Wanna share how I feel as an underdog writer.

I'm not really sure if I'm a good writer or not, my grammar is decent and readable enough. I think my story is unique, but I often think I have no future here compared to the others, I just have a habit of when I know no one is reading I would drop it.

I just started writing for fun but when I realized no one is reading, I felt empty and the thing you are doing feels useless. And then I became someone who is keen on collection and views, most of my reviews are from forums or review swaps. I think most are not reliable, and actually only one person, only one gave me a review that isn't from a review swap. So I trusted him and he said its good.

But thus far my comment section is no better than a post apocalyptic town. The biggest heart ache of all are the dropping collections, ugh it feels as though your heart got knifed.

Whenever the notif glows red, I became restless and my heart races, but only to see that its from event, so I could only sigh. Literally only had two or three coll per week. Honestly, if I think about it maybe my story is just crap or not fit with the expectations of my readers. Who knows I haven't recieved much actual feed back. But I just want to share lol.

    HotRedFlaming True...
    You have put every newbie writers feelings in a nice way.
    I used to think that cliche stories are no good but the thing is I still get attracted to them. The same goes for all the readers.
    Disappointment is inevitable when you realise you have a few readers but.. I have realized one thing.
    Even though the readers are less they are still reading your novel. If you drop it you will lose your credibility.
    I did so for my first novel. Because of some personal reasons I dropped it which I regret. So I suggest to keep your feelings in check.
    True that there will be few readers...
    Maybe it's not because your story ain't good but bcoz your novel is not overwhelming... We tend to read something that affects our emotions either positively or negatively😬😜 or because you don't have enough promotion ( in my case it's the problem) or in some cases your synopsis or the first few chapters are not good enough to hook your readers... And etc...

    So I suggest you consider to retrospect your novel.
    If you want readers attention, give them what they want...# cliche #
    If you are writing a novel for fun or to improve yourself then forget about views. Keep on writing and do honest review swaps.

    Before RS you should tell them to be brutally honest so that you can improve yourself 😊😊

    HotRedFlaming I honestly feel the same way. When I started writing, I did it for fun but then I realized a few people are reading my books. I'm hardly getting any reviews unless I beg someone for a swap or force it on my few...very few friends. The comment section and votes are dry as a desert. Nothing..

    Because of this, my morale to write dies by the day, because I feel like a bad talentless writer.

    Despite it, a little part of me wants to push on, forget about getting reviews and votes just do what I like to do. Write to my best. Maybe someone out there will find my book interesting or criticize it and tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong.

      I think it's absolutely valid to feel discouraged when you realize you aren't getting any views or reviews. After all, a little encouragement can go a long way, especially in the field of creation, where it's helpful to know that someone is enjoying what you are doing.

      But let's think about why exactly we write. Is it because we want views? We want to be famous? We want to be popular? I mean, those are all valid goals. I want to be famous, to have thousands of readers, to have a fanbase. But isn't there a deeper reason as to why we write?

      For myself, I rarely publish things, or show them to others. But occasionally, people might say something, through a review swap, or something else. Sometimes I show my work deliberately to people, just to see their reaction to it, or maybe because I want a little encouragement. And when they say things like, "You know, that story you wrote...I'm still thinking about it." "Your story made me cry." "It made me feel something.", every time someone says something like that, I am reminded, once again, why I write.

      As long as my story can even touch one person, that is enough. My work there is finished.

      As long as my story can change someone, make them feel something, make them think deeper about something, then that is enough. I need nothing more than that.

      Sometimes, when I'm working on my three thousand chapter work, I wonder if anyone will actually read it. If anyone will like it. But even if they all hate it, as long as one person, even one person, is changed by it, or thinks of something they haven't thought before, or feels something, then that is enough.

      And even if no one reads it, no one likes it, there is still one person who is changed.


      After all, isn't it the author who is most greatly affected by the work which they write?

      Throughout every single work, the author goes out on a journey, somewhat a journey of self-discovery, because what can reflect someone's soul more than when they write honestly, genuinely, things of their own heart?

      But that is very personal, and is a conversation for yourself...

      So in concluding, when I am down about the lack of views or reviews or comments, I remind myself, "Hey. That person that one time. They said that they were still thinking about it, days later. And that other person, they said it made them feel something. That is enough. I have accomplished what I have set out to do." And so I move on, to write more, write more things which I hope can change the hearts of others.

      Even if it's just one person.

      So why do we write? I think it's important to evaluate the reasoning behind it. It doesn't have to be very complicated. It can be really simple. I started to write because it looked like fun, because I had a story I wanted to tell. And now that I have worked hard to master the basic tools of the craft, I can move on and focus on other goals. Without a reason to write, it is very easy to give up.

      So when your views are down, and you feel like quitting, just remind yourself of why you write. And it's okay to ask for reviews. It's okay to promote yourself, to ask others to tell you what they think. And if you don't trust review swaps, just mention to them that you want to hear what they really think. I myself always give semi-honest reviews, meaning that I give enough encouragement (and I do mean the encouragement; I do see potential to be a writer in everyone) while giving things that I think could be improved. There is an art to balancing criticism and compliments when giving reviews.

      I think I've rambled on for too long. So I'll just drop it here. If you bothered to read this, thanks. I'll take my leave now.

        Writing is a craft. Writing is art. Though it seems simple to sit down behind a computer screen and press the buttons on a keyboard, it takes true skill and dedication to become proficient in entertaining readers with your writing.

        The art and craft of writing cannot be picked up by anyone who has never seriously attempted to do storytelling before.

        That said, like any art or craft, writing is a skill that can largely be trained and practiced to a proficient level.

        I like to compare writing to other expressions of art such as painting or playing the piano. It takes years for painters and pianists to become skilled enough to reach the level of a professional, or at least someone who can earn the audience's appreciation.

        Therefore, don't think that the low entry barrier of writing means that writing a good or entertaining story is also easy. It takes effort, creativity and skill to write a story that can do well on Webnovel or as a published book.

        Just like any other form of art or craft, you can train your creative writing skill in a focused way.

        You can read lots of good novels to train your story awareness.

        You can start writing fanfiction, which is not only easier than writing an original story, but also allows you to shape your writing style in a more tolerant setting. It is easier to attract readers if they are already fans of the characters you include in your story.

        You can also buy books or watch online videos that teach you how to write a story. I believe Brandon Sanderson has a good lecture about this on YouTube.

        Whatever method you choose, if you are truly serious about creative writing, then you need to realize that you have to put some serious effort into becoming good at it. After all, you can't expect a random stranger to become a good pianist in just a few weeks of practice, right?

        While it doesn't take a decade or so for someone to become good enough to do well on Webnovel, in my opinion it does take at least a few months to a year to reach a point where earning money on this platform become viable. From the other original authors I've interacted with, I believe this is very much possible for anyone who is truly willing to commit to this craft.

        Therefore, if you reach a point where you are seriously questioning whether its worthwhile to continue writing, you just need to consider whether you are motivated enough to work hard in raising your writing ability to an acceptable level. Anything possible as long as you have the passion in creative writing.

        To me, it doesn't matter if I were a underdog, bad or whatever. What matters is that people read my story and I can share a very entertaining one to them. If I can evoke powerful emotions, make these people relate with the story I want to tell then for me it is a success.

        Writing for fame is just not my cup of tea. It may be part of success but don't forget that you are writing because of your stories. You write because you have a story to tell. You try to connect with people through it.

        Therefore, just focus on what you are good at and where are you happy. The rest will follow.


        I have lost my confidence in writing many times. I lost count in how many times I questioned myself, am I not good enough?

        I think I work so hard. And maybe I work harder than the others. But why I didn't get a result I wanted?

        It is really hard, since there are many writers better out there.

        But I keep believing that my hard work would paid off. Maybe it's not yet my time. Or maybe we are lacking with luck.

        There are a million reasons that would push us to quit in writing. And we forgot the very excitement we felt when we first wrote the first chapter of our novel.

        But think about this, if you write daily, even just one chap, with just your opinion and excitement brimming, just enjoying yourself because you wanted to continue the story and gave its ending, who knows, someone might read your story and unexpectedly found it as a gem.

        its better to think, that the story you write existed even with just a hundred of views. Becasue you can come back to it everytime and feel again that wow, I actually wrote something like this.

        For me, to get my confidence back, I am rereading the good reviews and comments that I made the readers felt immersed.

        It's long yeah. Pardon me. But gambatte!

          I've been doing the craft for, well, some time. My work has seen small praises, been virtually spat on, ripped off by vanity presses, stolen, heavily rejected and mostly ignored. I even had an age when spambots was my only reader. And a chorus of slamming doors on opportunities. I've queried over a 100+ agencies and publishers across the years globally. Every single one a rejection. I've still to achieve what some peeps here would term success.

          Yes. I'm quite a familiar customer of failure. As such the voices in my head and externally from those who matter would constantly nag at me to give up.

          Why bother? if no one is reading my stories that means I'm a bad writer. "So just give up."

          Needless to say, I'm still writing. This is because of my mindset fixed on a reason. I stubbornly hold to a belief that one day I'll write a great story that people would want to read.

          Someone once said to the lines of "there's no such thing as a bad writer, but there's definitely inexperienced ones." That's true.

          For most writers, it's experience that ensures their success according to their goals. For me, resilience and persistence was also needed to hone a skill and style that's my own. It was only possible after experiencing failure and setbacks, which I had acknowledged what those meant to me and chose an approach to either learn from and continue or stop writing.

          My advice to new writers. It's ok to fail and doubt. These are experiences to ponder and expand the thought process. Doubts are sense checks and good if they would lead to development.

          Keep going. A setback can lead to another opportunity awaiting.

          My two cents advice. Take it for what it's worth.

          Hi, I'm feeling the same though. I'm new here. It's been three weeks when I started but I couldn't get why there isn't much feedback or reads on my book. But I just hope for the best since I wrote it from my heart and my purpose was just to express myself, since I was not very good in public speaking, I just pour myself into writing. Let's all hope for the best and not give up on this. ❤️

          LinYang The same thing I am trying to remind myself. Actually the novel I started now is my third work but it is also lacking in many places. Some people are liking it but I can count them on fingers. Honestly speaking now what I want is readers for my story and not those silent one... I want those readers who can open up their mind for my book. Believe me it is difficult for me to pen down so many emotions and when I do it I expect some praising words but I guess I am lacking somewhere...Can't blame for not liking the book but I still want honest reply from them...A review or commets will do but I should continue writing for my sake only.

          Avalondra You rock...💖 Your novel is one of the best I read in romance genre...I don't know how long it took you to get this far.... But yeah now I read yours and think that I should write a novel like this.

          Well everyone should have felt like that when reading at least one novel.

          Any form of inspiration can keep you pushing to write... Even if it's your favorite author/novel.

            LOVE097 This is so sweeeet thank you 🥰🥰 Your words gave me a lot of motivation 💖 I already save your book to my lib, I will be waiting for your story and more chapss~ fighting for us!

              Let me apologize in advance. I'm about to be that one person who breaks the streak of encouragement so...go ahead and skip this.

              Okay, Ima be frank.

              I started writing because I wanted people to know my name. In the world of weebs, k-pop fans, and anything where Asia is involved, I want people to know my name. I want people, in the middle of a conversation about how Sasuke could've been the MC of Naruto, say: "Yo, did you read that one story from FMA" or " Yo, did you hear that FMA is about to do an animated series"

              I didn't start writing because I want to perfect my craft, I started writing so that I could be known as the next Iseyama or Togashi. I didn't start writing because I wanted to find my purpose, I started writing so that that one YouTuber does that one review about why "Loose Screws Sucks and Here's Why".

              Even though I want to tell a story that makes a person look at life in a different light, I didn't initially have that thought. I wanted to be idolized. I want my work to be up there with Bleach, One Piece, and Pokemon. Hell, I even want my work to be apart of Boku No Pico or Overflow.

              Tower Of God and God Of Highschool are getting a hella lot of attention. I want to be apart of that. But what gets me down isn't the lack of attention I'm getting on my novel. What gets me down is the fact that SIU and Youngchan Hwang weren't known until years went by or even a whole decade. Even Solo Leveling took time until it got recognition and became a comic and even into an adaptation.

              I'm an impatient person, I want to instantly get put in the spotlight, and what gets me down is the fact that I'm only known to a few authors or people. What gets me down is the fact that no one is talking about how intricate Loose Screws is. What gets me down is the fact that I'm not getting reviewed by Scamboli Reviews his damn self.

              As an underdog writer, I have to accept the fact that it will take time for people to recognize my potential. So to all my underdog writers out there, keep this in mind:

              It will take time, but you'll get the attention that you wished for.

              Now, if you go ahead and drop a story that could've become the next Death Note, go ahead, but when Loose Screws is up on its pedal stool and so many other great works, don't start complaining, because I already told you...

              You just have to wait.

              I started writing for fun and to pass time. I've now gotten more serious and I would like to have some feedback for my stories. I mean I've put so much effort in my chapters and I usually say I rush it in the authors note. I want to keep writing but when you get almost zero feedback from the readers and only four collections it gets pretty annoying. I've been debating on stopping the story but those four people who added it to their library are who I'm writing for now. I don't even know if they have read the story or just added it to their library because it looks interesting. I understand I'm not the best at writing but I've tried so hard to make myself and the people around me happy with the stories I make. I feel so joyful when someone adds my story to their library and then after one collection I don't get one for another month or longer. When I don't get any feedback from the reader I can't improve my story. I've read some of the top stories and most of it is romance...which I suck at writing so I rather not write a cringe worthy book. I know I'm rambling and some of this doesn't make sense but I promise I'm just getting my frustrations out. I also don't even know if I'm a good writer or not. My grammar is decent but is it enough because I'm not very good with describing emotions.

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