Why can't WebNovel team understand that by constantly introducing more and more new novels results in lower readers for each novel. I mean if there are 10 readers for a novel, by introducing 5 more novels, each novel will then get much lower number of readers. This causes low popularity of each novel. Which usually ends with drop of translation completely. There are so many good novel ended up being dropped while WebNovel team just keeps on pushing more and more new ones, which usually are not that different and follow same cliches and end up getting dropped later.
Dropped Novels
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hentahenta183 I bet they had imagined that the more novels they put out the more money they will make. But they didn't realize that some novels are just more entertaining then others so they will naturally get a larger audience. Now they expect the same success for all the novels they put out and if they don't make the numbers they will be cut. Three novels I was reading had nearly or above 1500 chapters and they were still dropped. Which is why I haven't started reading a new translation novel in about a month. I would rather read an original since they are more likely to finish then a translation.
Seems like webnovel don't care about free readers they just want to keep paying readers. Or just keep popular novels going... by producing so many novels you dilute the good one in the sea of garbage and readers become hesitant to check out new novels. Tales of herding gods and divine card creator were awesome novels that they dropped which if they hadn't been in the sea of garbage would have a fair amount of readers one is comedy while the other one is awesome. Tldr: seems like they want to release novels for whales aka one who pays for highest privilege in each nov and keep them while disappointing free readers. Ps not a free reader. If this continues hopefully webnovel/qidan dies and tl goes back to independence translators. At least they will finish the novels they translate.
I gave up. I will only read novels if they are from original or completed. The only novel that gets my fast pass is the astral pet store just cuz i don't want to pile up my free pass. The worst thing that can happen is to not finish a novel It makes people mad and It will stop people from investing in novels.