chichi32310 It's up to whatever standard the editor on webnovel have, a good unique novel might not get selected but a shitty mainstream too-many-copy-paste novel might get selected. So just keep your hopes up that one editor have the same taste as you.

- Jun 29, 2021
- Joined Nov 16, 2017
Hormin_Mangfi there's a couple unique novel that i like.
Record of Unusual Creatures: it's a mix of space opera novel with fantasy elements, the plus point is it did not have a game-like elements, cultivation or system so it's just pure sci-fi with fantasy in between.
Trafford Trading Club: it's a novel that tells of what happened if satan/the devil open a shop, it's a nice mysteri novel but a shame that webnovel dropped it.(p.s. you can find more of it on the internet, someone translate more of it)
Don_Don_8817 use for looking at wide range of fanfic, here
richard_grove use the website for check in and you will get all genre fp, don't use the apps
KaiGavin i will give a little tips for you, check in from the website and not from the apps if you do that you will get the all genre fp and not genre specific fp.
AZOPE_OPAZ Do you mean original novel in another language? Well yes there's book in different language, to search for it you must first change your account language setting.
- In Download
Izuku_Midoriya_8804 Fyi, the downloaded novel files didn't exist in .pdf or .epub or any other .doc type files but they exist as encrypted file form.
So you can't open it without using webnovel apps, and if you are wondering what is the point of download button then it's actually for offline reading using the apps.Ps. If you still want to search the downloaded files then open your phone internal storage then open folder qidian->book.
1. Depend on webnovel mood.
2. Most of original novel have all chapter free.
3. Everyday there will be one novel that is unlocked for free only for 24hours, as for coins discouny i don't know.
4. Before webnovel shitty update you can get 21 all novel fp, but after the update maybe 15 or so all novel fp the rest will be junk genre specific fp.
5. I don't understand what you means with enghlish roman. Is it the roman language or romance genre?
6. There's an advance search.Mishchan_ There's a thing on the internet called Random Name Generator in case you don't know.
Katzenliebe The only overpowered one that i see is the Dance of the Lions since it can:
1. One shot enemy
2. Deals 1000% base attack area damageI doubt there's any enemy that can survive those 2 aside from the defense oriented enemy. It will be better if you add a restriction/conditition to it's act activation, like only a leader of x number of people can use or have conquered x number land, etc.
Btw the 2 eyes power also feels OP but since i don't know anything about your book, i can't really say anything about those messing with higher being eyes power but it have the potential to be OP.
viperobjectives what's it about? Fantasy world or Real world? Any specific genre?
Septic_Red it's not really about scp but there a translated novel about unusual creature called record of unusual creatures.
If you don't mind light spoiler read more below
It's a story about someone that got tasked to search, help and record about any unusual activies going on earth. The first 50-70 chapter are pretty slow but after that the mystery and story is really good.
- In Bye Webnovel
DragonKnov Wuxiaworld, the real one not the aggregator one
Brar07 search it on then under the related names you will find it's chinese name.
Or you can go to the webnovel page and scroll to the end, usually you will find it's chinese name there.
- In Download
1. Download the novel
2. Turn off your internet
3. Read your downloaded novelIn case your are asking for .pdf or .epub then there isn't any function for it, the download button is only for offline reading using the apps.
Brar07 Just search it on google using it's chinese name
vijayteja Nobody knows, hell i don't even understand why they put pilot read when they already disregard trial read and just releasing whatever novel they want
I don't know whether there's a novel about this kind of system but i would read a system that:
- Teach the user rather than give them skill/whatever ( This means the user have to work hard to get the skill rather than the system simply install it)
- No point exchange/wheel of fortune (This is the one that i hate about system novel,'oh no my enemy is too strong, what shoud i do. Ah right lets spend the point' procceed to get an OP Deus Ex Machina and slay the enemy)
- Battle Royale between system user (So there's gonna be a few of user and each of them start at LV0 and everytime they win against another user their level increase and more of the system abilities get unlocked)
I'm bored with how every single new translated novel is the same, so i'm looking for recomendation in the original section.
What i look for:
1. MC that use their brain more and less brawn
2. Not OP MC(i'm sick of OP MC just steam rolling every single problem with muscle)
3. Have comedy in it
4. The companion/lover is developed as a character and not just another pretty face/plot device
5. Male MC is preferable but i also like Female MC