Imo he's just leaving these opportunities
Does Zhang Xuan get a girlfriend soon?
Al_theGenie Yes. But not for another few hundred chapters, and even then, they barely held hands.
a legendary wizard (lol)
Oxy Did the innate fetal poison have side effects we're unaware of? wink
It's not a harem path right? Those shit's confusing
too bad i wanted him to end up with one of his students
- Edited
Isn't this already determined, he will, with his student Zhao yaya or something, given her extreme supreme ultimate yin constipation that makes her skin smooth that there's no friction on her body...
Well...if he gets just one wife it will most likely be zhao ya...i think zhao ya is the authors most favorite female character..if he gets more, zhao ya will be one of them..and wang ying...if something like that happens it will be at the very least at the end of the novel...cause i dont think lohp will get any kind of least not deep one
Zhao Ya, best waifu!
What novel? I wanna read it
NO, he will not. Bcoz he is a librarian bfre that he is so cool thats y his standard is so high...
On the Zhao Ya side story, its' sort of implied that Zhao Ya has some feelings for Zhang Xuan. "But she thought that if there was an afterlife, she would never be content with just being his student..." - Zhao Ya
Lmao Idk
he'll probably end up with that mysterious lady he met before going to the underground chamber