I actually have a few more mangas to recommend if you want. You can also try Umi no Misaki and Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari, those two are also good in my opinion. Also if you want me to recommend you novels I could recommend you highschool dxd and mushouku tensei if you haven already read them. You can download the volumes on jnovels and read them.
Looking for mostly "happy/fluffy" harem stories
Leporidere Haha, I guess I also already forgot what the op ask for. So it must be harem end, and its a fluffy happy harem, not sad or tragic.
Hmmm, kinda difficult since its also some ideal criteria of harem that I would also love it. If we could found it. Especially the harem end since some of our suggestion is not ended yet, or already end but not the end that we hope for.
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I'm just going to clarify somethings that you might have misunderstood, Illicit relationships definitely start out R-18 heavy, but for a new author who doesn't exactly have their own style yet they can tend to focus too much on one aspect in the beginning, you have to give them time to find their groove(almost everyone is clumsy at first when they try something for the first time), the plot eventually starts moving forward so just wait for it. In terms of incest with the mother, you probably realize this but he was a young man who transmigrated into the body of another young man, even if she is the new bodies mother biologically for him she can also be considered a beautiful older woman, even though he got the bodies previous owner's memories there is still some disconnect between his mind and body. When it comes to Prime Vampire I didn't really get too far, but a decent portion of the girls where I got had known the MC before, while what you say may be the case it is also a fact that there are girls who knew him prior to the beginning of the series and the author plans to write something to address all these concerns(he had something before but it wasn't exactly what most people are looking for), so again give him some time and some relationships you consider forced might make sense.
For my recommendation, prime originator somewhat fits what you want, relationships start out forced but again that is a new author not knowing what he is doing, the girls added after are done well, even then those previous girls get some development later on. I want to say there is no separation but it is one of those things where it depends on the person in question. Sometimes the MC will leave the women behind but it isn't like he is abandoning them, he remains on the same world but an example is he basically goes on an underground exploration looking for resources and shit right under his family while they stay back home with their families to cultivate in safety(also it isn't like they're just staying home using his hard-earned resources, instead he actually wants to go on these dangerous explorations, they hate that him leaving and taking these risks but he needs to do it to grow stronger and they respect his wishes and trust in his abilities).
Another recommendation is The way of the Dao.
Again: Thanks a lot for all this input. I'll try to respond to everything here, if i forgot something, please let me know :x
RachelRuth maybe, as you said yourself, it hasn't many chapters jet to say anything. I'll try to remember it and if its progressed a little i may give it a try. IF the genre is fitting then.
Fanjo Thanks! After your explanation i started to read Romantic Cultivator two days ago. I am around chapter 58 now and i totally agree with your opinion. I was slightly annoyed by the "forced drama" of him not telling the girls who he is because of his stupid beard. BUT i was really happy that every woman figured out who he was. Overall i really like that all the girls are smarter/stronger as him, but at the same time he isn't totally useless/dump either. For the future i just hope for little more fluff and more time together (together with the girls, because atm he goes from place to place, always "finding" a new woman, but the other girls are left behind).
Really looking forward to it tho =D
SecretWolf as i said above, yeah i really enjoy Romantic Cultivator xD thanks. And regarding the other novels, don'T worry. I just have some problems when girls are treated badly. I KINDA can deal with it if they aren't really well developed because if i couldn't i'd have even less to read, but if they just feel like "pleasure dolls" and treaded badly i get really pissed and can't read stuff like that at all.
GegeSadewa Leporidere BoobLover is mostly right, i highly prefer harem setting because i just like the "family" side of it and everyone being able to stay together happily.
Regarding Manga general; So far i haven't read any mangas since i always preferred flow text. If you have any long and fitting mangas i'm really happy about any recommendations. But it would be great if you could give me some key marks what the manga is about and what i can expect xD
Regarding Highschool DxD... i am not such a big fan of the mc... super pervert but at the same time also super dense and not really accepting any romantic approaches at all... supper annoying japanese archetype. And I already know Mushouku Tensei
FunnyBuns Regarding the first part: Let me split Illicit and Prime Vampire in two different parts.
Illicit: I was told to read past chapter 30 and i actually even did read into chapter 50 or so because at that time i had nothing else to read. Overall i understood the Idea of the novel and even the romance was... "ok". It wasn't only sex, he cared for the girls at least to some degree and the girls had different personality's. The only thing that was just "bad" (personal opinion) was, that the incest relationship wasn't questioned at all. I get why he wouldn't mind. But at least his mother and aunt would have some thoughts of it. I don't say that they should come to the result that its bad and stop it. But there should be some explanation about how they think, why they're doing it or ANYTHING like that.
But overall at the end i dropped the story because it just wasn't my cup. The only thing i thought was cute was, that his mother and aunt care so much about each other. That was fluffy. Beside that it was just to much "fuck boy" attitude and "capturing/wooing girls".
Regarding Prime Vampire: First and foremost: I was really disgusted by how the mc treated girls only for his pleasure. He was ruthless and treated them just terrible, wanting to just fuck them as soon as possible and as rough as possible while all of them never had sex before... Thats just a disgusting character that i really dislike.
BESIDE that, the novel had several other big problems. But as you said, new author and they all can improve. I actually wrote quite a long and detailed review after the last chapter i've read. And i didn't put it in the official review section, because i didn't want to give a very negative rating. I just wanted to point out my personal opinion and actually had a short chat with the author.
But i'm quite sure i will never pick up that novel again. I was really disgusted by the mc. Treating girls like that, only caring about his own pleasure... i have a hard time dealing with this attitude... i require more fluff ;)
So in short: I can deal with a rough start and lagging development of characters early on. But if the mc only cares about himself and treating girls badly and/or using them only for sex, i don't want the girl end up with him (because i personally can't imagine that they will find happiness with him) and then its pointless to continue reading.
Regarding your recommendations: After what i said above, what kind of rough start has Prime Originator?
What you said about separation; Separation for me is more like "lost contact for many yeas, not sure if ever see again" thing. Its ok as backstory, but if its occurring in the novel itself, i dislike it a lot. I prefer if the "group" stays together and spend time with each other, but its fine if he leaves sometimes to do "stuff" AS LONG as the other girls don't fade away (those harems were new girls join every minute and at the same time most of the "old" girls are never mentioned again really suck).
Nebel You see that is why I said it depends on the person when it comes to separation, yeah he goes out an explores the world but he returns home to them, some people might consider leaving them behind while the MC goes of exploring as Separation but it never lasts to long, the first time he went off was like a week or two and now he might be gone for a few months to a few years as he has to infiltrate a certain place to save his mother so he has to gain these people's trust which could take a while.
The forced relationships at the start was like some girls pretty easily falling in love, though he intends to marry these women when things calm down(things are way to hectic to get married at this point), so even though it starts out pretty rushed it is developed later on. Girls added later on are more natural and the relationship is built over time.
I can understand why you wouldn't like prime vampire, though as I said I didn't get too far as I decided to wait for the author to add backstory. I can also understand you feeling little romance in illicit relationship at first but it does get better over time, I won't try to convince you further but just understand you seem to have stopped too early to see the improvements.
Nebel Sorry had some stuff to do but if you want to have an idea of what illicit relationship becomes later on try chapters 196 and 197, even if you have to pirate it I feel they will convince you it is worth your time and money. I couldn't find other chapters unfortunately as that would require me to go more in-depth looking for them so I went with one that was obvious by the title.
Nebel I would really recommend you to give dxd another chance. Issei may be a pervert but he has a heart of gold. Even if he lusts after women he still respects them and would never treat them badly. In the beginning, he only lusted for their bodies but as the series progresses, he slowly gets to know them and starts to fall in love with them as well. As for him being dense, there is actually a good reason why he acts that way. The reason for his dense is the trauma from his first girlfriend who killed him. He also becomes less and less dense as the series progresses so you don't need to worry about that. I think you should give the series another try.
As for the other series that I have recommended:
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You-I think you will really love this one. It really has everything you were looking for. It has good romance, lots of fluff and everyone in the harem treats each other as a family. It's really heartwarming, you should definitely check it out.
Kanojo mo Kanojo-This one is also very cute. This one also has a lot of heartwarming moments and fluff but it's more focused on comedy.
Umi no Misaki-This one is more about slice of life but has good romantic development and fluff.
Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari-This one is not 100% that what you are looking for (because the MC still has not fully accepted the other harem member except for his childhood friend), but it is still worth checking out.
Mushoku Tensei-I know that this one has a rather bittersweet ending but it's still worth it. If you want you cant just stop at the penultimate chapter. I really recommend this one because the story of how he built a family with the women in his harem and how he interacts with the is full of heartwarming moments and fluff.
Also, another manga I could recommend to you:
Sekirei-This one is more focused on battle that romance but has still some nice romance in it.
Nebel Ah, yea. Sorry. I guess I kinda hold out on the webnovel only, while there are alot more out there beside it.
Some other maybe would be like this ;
Reincarnation of the Living God, Legend of Ling Tian, MMORPG Rebirth of The Legendary Guardian, NEET Receives a Dating Sim system => you could find these in
Breakers, Everyone Else is a Returnee => some Korean Novel, but you probably already read them too?
Shura's Wrath, How a Realist Hero rebuild the kingdom, In Another World with my Smartphone.
Okay,nine, nuff said.
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NoWoRRyMaN maybe because of recent events... without reading the last 5 chapters or so... it was quite dark :x But i'll plan to write/add a list of recommendations that i enjoyed here later and yours will be on it, don't worry ;)
FunnyBuns Mhh, the separation, month and years is quite long... i can imagine that i would be annoyed by it as well :x But thats something i don't mind to figure out myself after the warning (its another thing with sad stuff... i really feel bad for quite some time with those things, so i just wanna avoid them in general)
And regarding the other two novels; Thanks for the example of Illicit, i can imagine trying/continuing reading it at some point. As i said above, the mc hasn't done anything i really despise. It may not have a high priority anymore, but if i am desperat looking for something to read... Prime Vampire... not so much. A lot would have to happen to his attitude how he treats woman (general and in bed) that i would give it another chance :x
GegeSadewa Leporidere DxD; I know the reason for his behaviour. But i think its still annoying and its just frustrating for the romance.
Dating Sim System --> read it before, but sadly it wasn't finished because of troubles with china goverment or something like that? Everyone Else is a Returnee --> I've read it... but romance was terrible... not existent i would say... only work work work, no time to really develop anything, no fluffy moments, nothing... 1/10 romance! :x
Regarding those other recommendations:
I will try to make a list of all the recommendations here. With several recommendations in one go its getting little hard to keep track of everything at the moment. So i plan to:
1. Write a list of every recommendation that was mentioned here.
2. Will try to sort them if i THINK they could fit my taste or not (including short explanation, so you can correct me if i did wrong to a novel)
3. I'll try to add a List of "good" Novels (Novels that i personally read after your recommendation) in my first post, just that ppl who are reading this thread to find something to read for them self don't have to read everything that was posted here)
So just give me 1-2 days for that and i hope that it will bring some order in everything =D I really enjoy the chat here and i'm really happy with the ongoing recommendations. Hopefully we can continue like that and don't loose track of previous topics. =D
edit: oh, i also stopped/paused reading Romantic Cultivator. Some things happend that i really really disliked and felt terrible for... The thing with his first girlfriend and what happend to her, then about the relationship he had after her 300 years ago... and what happend to her just now... i mean... wtf?? felt terrible! Skipped little ahead but couldn't find any positive development (am i wrong?) and only saw, that he mistreated a fox/girl terrible as new running joke and i was even more disappointed and disgusted by him :/
NoWoRRyMaN No I read it but I have to say it doesn't really fit the fluffy category, I'm not saying it's bad but I don't really feel any emotion from your characters, it is like Microsoft Sam having a conversation with Siri, too robotic to make you feel anything. At least that is my take on it, I get what you want to get across I just don't feel it.
o. That first girl is actually not important and the name is never mentioned. The two girls after her are the real heroines and there is a plot twist The flashback is only showing how the MC met the two heroines and not the nameless girl.
The fox girl and the MC is the most fluffiest actually. Better dont skip this part cos you may not end up knowing why she struck in her fox form. The MC doesnt know she isnt a fox.
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Fanjo i really wished there was a privat chat here :x sorry for everyone else who reads this, but i need to use some heavy spoiler :x
WARNING: Heavy SPOILER of Romatic Cultivator
So the first nameless girl... i know that she was displayed as the "bad" one and i've read the comments since i expected sad stuff. I still feel kinda bad that she died of reget etc. even if many comments hated her.
I also skipped the second bonus chapter with the "Princess" and the "third girl". The real problem started later when he met the third girl again and she died. That chapter overall was super sad. And i really dislike his "son" who was/is super annoying and even more that his son ended up with the other girl that previously was kinda teased as possible "harem member" (at least i felt like that, since i also felt bad for the first girl and he often said, that they look the same). So overall those two Chapters have been suuper sad and i really disliked them :/
Regarding the fox girl: I just skipped through the chapters now and... why does the mc suddenly feels so "evil"? Before he always was kinda nice and friendly, maybe little to "skirt chasing" in his past (300 years ago) but overall... now he tossed the woman in the coffin just in some corner, wanna sell the fox all the time, uses the fox (even if he don't know its a girl, its sill a animal) as towel etc... maybe it just should be a running joke that he treats the "god/immortal" woman badly... but after what happend before i really AT LEAST needed some comfort (since i still hoped that the third girl would be revived) but instead i get him mistreating another woman/animal.
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NoWoRRyMaN No it is really none of that at all, if you don't want advice/encouragement just say so or don't reply in the first place, don't insult someone when they give you good advice/encouragement that would really benefit you.
Welcome to the club of not liking his son. I had filtered out those chapter out of my mind. It is one thing that did not resolve itself in the desired way.
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Hey, ok so lets start the list =D
1) Recommended Novels (havenāt read jet):
Higher priority for me:
- Good for nothing cultivator - iām reading his second novel ( @Avidfan ), bit disappointed with some sad things and other developments, but overall good read so far. So I have hopes for this novel as well.
- A Martial Odyssey - same as above, third novel from Avidfan soā¦ maybe fitting.
- Psychic Inventor in Cultivation World - i heard that the story is all over the place. But beside that the tags are really fitting. I just hope there is some actual romance & harem after a romance-slow start?
- Prime Originator - first 2-3 girls are added to fast, after that it seems to be good romance development. Sadly mc leaves several times for several month and even years to do stuff, without his woman.
- The Way of The Dao - Actually sounds quite interesting. Probably super slow romance, but with good development, iām up for that! Would love to know little more about the harem building and if there is anything sad :x
Lower priority for me:
- Poor Man Reborn - only 58 chapters, synopsis didnāt fully hooked me
- Reincarnated As An Impotent In Another World - playboy mc, only comedy, story doesn't sound interesting, only 29 chapters
- I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere! - only read like 10 chapters and all the story only told how much of a yandere his āwifeā is. I was little annoyed, but in general i like the tags so i may try it again later with some more chapters.
- My CEO Harem Cultivation System - super short, only 10 chapters!
- DxD - I just have a problem with cliche pervert & dense japanese characters, even if there is a good reason for it. Romance progress is sooo hard with those guys.
2) Recommended Novels (that i have read):
- Endbringer - Only 40 chapters (~2500 words each), but the story sounds very promising. Japanese characters/writing style with (expected to be) REAL & good harem setting but slow romance start. Author often uses very long sentences that may be little annoying for native english speaker, beside that the writing style is really good.
- The Romantic Cultivator - second novel ( @Avidfan ). Overall fun and fluffy read, sadly some really dark moments and some annoying developments (i described it in detail in one comment here if you want spoilers). I have hope that at least the dark moments will get a happyend tho. Sadly in recent chapters (~100+) the MC starts to get quite unsympathetic again, only caring about him self and getting more stupid by second. I really hope that will turn again because slowly i really start to dislike him.
- Part-Time Star, Full-Time Dad - the child isnāt as annoying as I expect kids to be. The harem probably is gonna be quite realisticā¦ i would prefer it being more happy/fluffy tho, but preferences are different.
- illicit relationship - Iāve only read like 40 chapters. MC IS kinda a playboy, but he seems to really cares for the girls as well and i was told that the romance is more prominent later on (till chapter 40 the physical relationship was a lot more prominent than feelings)
- Prime Vampire - the story idea is good, but i was super annoyed by the mc. Every āromanceā was girls just falling for him and him fucking them in the first night while he didnāt really cared about how he treated them in their first night etc. Author said he want to display more charaktere and romance development, but i lost interest because i dislike the attitude of the mc to much
- My (idiot) Girlfriend Recommended Me a VR Game So I Tried Playing It. - good story idea and really nice and slow harem development. Sadly the writing/gramma is little lagging so often the feelings arenāt conveyed properly.
3) Recommended Mangas:
- The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - looks really good, lot of fluff, good romance, family like harem setting
- Kanojo mo Kanojo - looks good, heartwarming and fluffy, huge comedy focus tho
- Umi no Misaki - slice of life with good romance development and fluff
- Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari - not real harem setting jet, may be in the future, so iāll wait
4) Recommended but not fitting:
- The Prophetress - only 30 chapters, no harem tag
- I Choose The Villain Duke - no harem, āevilā male lead
- Stealing Spree - i was warned by the author ( @Dyrem ) that the mc is quite despicable, i tried reading the first 2 chapters but had to agree with him and was really disgusted by the mc using girl and just throwing them away after. Not my thing :x Maybe he changes later, but i donāt know if i could āforgiveā him.
- Godfather and Godson! - sorry, personally i just donāt like reading fanfiction of stories that iām quite familiar with.
- My Future Husband is Inhuman! - no harem
@SecretWolf If you ever have time, could you maybe specify this long list that you posted like 8 days ago? xD There are so many novels on it and i canāt really figure out which of them could really fit :x
Atm i thought that The Sinful Life of The Emperor could be quite good (if the mc isnāt annoying) as well as Psychic Inventor of Cultivation World and Trash Techniques are Actually PRetty Efficient.
@GegeSadewa I already know most of the ānormalā (outside of webnovels you recommended. But 3 of them sound quite interesting and all 3 are finished. If youāve finished reading them, could you maybe tell me a little about them? Especially about how much romance there is and how the harem is handled. And if there are any sad things that i should be aware of? Those three novels iām talking of are: Legend of Ling Tian, MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian and Shuraās Wrath.
@NoWoRRyMaN @FunnyBuns pls no hard feelings here. Actually I understand where you both are coming from. I quite enjoy the story, the harem development is quite good and has a good buildup and development. BUT i also can understand why FunnyBuns has problems with it. I told you (Noworryman) before as well, that i think your writing stile is little lagging. You use quite simple writing and sentences and for some it may feel quite robotic because the characters never really questioning details. I really think that the story idea is great and i really enjoy how the harem is reasoned out. But you have to improve your writing to convey those things better to a broad readership because at the moment your characters sometimes feel little ālifelessā (or as Funnybuns named it āroboticā).
I hope I covered most novels that were mentioned. I may have skipped some suuper short, unfitting novels and some hugely popular novels outside of this website that i already know.
Nebel Happy Reading, Nebel! That's a lot of books and I hope you enjoy them all~!
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NoWoRRyMaN You apologized and thanked me in the first reply? Might be your english skills lacking because that was not what was written. Your first reply was about me lacking understanding and I quit to early, that isn't thanking me it is saying it is my failure to understand the emotions conveyed and I quit to early to see it get better, but again I read at least 200 chapters so far and it never got better (last I checked that was the most recent volume).
When you said I'm sorry you made it out to be my loss for not reading further, that comes off pretty concieted when talking about your own work. Could've been a misunderstanding due to your English, but I hope you understand why I responded like that.
Nebel Nice job though just to clarify he hasn't left that long yet, what I said about months to years is merely my assumption based on what he has to do in the current arc, but even then after the most recent privilege chapter(that came out a few hours ago) the time he needs to be there has been cut down significantly. Right now the longest he was away was like 2 weeks max(pretty sure it was less but I don't know how much less).
guys pls, no catfight. Its ok if you aren't happy with his view of your novel, and its also ok to actually have that opinion on the novel. Just let it rest. You both aren't really working to a resolution of it with your discussion here xD