DriewNrocinu lol same here to. I honestly thought people weren't following it again.
Anime Fan?
DriewNrocinu lol same here to. I honestly thought people weren't following it again.
Fleur_capricieuse that was my very first anime. The soundtracks are awesome and there's no limit to the nostalgia. Sad about them never finishing "The Lost Canvas" though.
Jonkohrr yeah have you watched the 3d movie that came out? if you haven't you should it was amazing.
Fleur_capricieuse I'm not sure what's the order of the movies but I'm fairly certain I've seen all of them. I was quite thorough back in the day, lol.
one_chance Thanks
I'm also a huge fan of anime, and I'm here to make new friends. By the way, is there someone who has watched Attack on Titans 3? My favorite anime is Naruto and Attack on Titans.
kitsumirae yohoo, you got a female specie turning in her application form
one_chance I'm currently watching jujutsu kaisen too
rose9vemmurray plus jujutsu kaisen
kitsumirae I am also an anime fan. Have been for over 20 years now with a break here and there. I have too many favorites to list.
But my top one has been and will probably always be Kino's Journey (2003) Just hit me at the right time and I think it still holds up. And if you said you haven't seen it I think you have missed out.