I'm an anime fan / Otaku so i'm looking for anime friends here! I'm sure there are many hiding in here . Come out now!
Anime Fan?
DriewNrocinu OMG! How did you finish such a long anime? I like Naruto franchise & Dragon Ball too!
Recently Demon Slayer got me.
Naruto always remains a favourite, who watches fire force?
I'm an anime fan! I too like Naruto. I'm currently watching Boruto.
Obliviousstudent fire force is so underrated, but it's so good. You have good tastes my friend
Anyone seen Violet Evergarden? This anime destroyed me
I like psychological thrillers, mafia, and slice of life/sad romance anime. Given that, my top three favorite are Zankyou no Terror, 91 Days, and Your lie in April. Anything with a good soundtrack and something meaningful.
kitsumirae i'm a huge anime fan i would love to become your friend.
Is it possible to contact you via discord?
DriewNrocinu one piece is one of my favourites!!!! You can see it from my name as well
kitsumirae one piece doesn't take that long to watch all the published episodes Back when I was watching ine piece, I had watched around 60-70 episodes per day
I recently watched My hero academia and Attack on Titan. Those two are now my favorite! I also enjoyed Demon Slayer. Can't wait to see the movie!
kitsumirae I LOVE NARUTO TOO! Done with that and Fairytail also. I love watching longe series anime HAHAHHAHA
i'm fairytail
Jonkohrr U pumped up for the new season ?
Crismonsurfer That I am indeed
LinYang Then Clannad's one of that good animes having beautiful OSTs and meaningful lessons.
LuffyLucy No, i don't have it but i have fb, ig, twt & tumblr.
Jonkohrr Me too! The movie~
Well another anime fan here. Currently I am watching the ongoing seasonal ones. Anyone here a haikyuu fan?
Ya all can try jujutsu kaisen if looking for action nd martial arts. Tonikaku kawaii is really sweet and satisfactory watch. I am done with the longer series so can only watch the short ones now lol..