Lievel_Veltrandt I hope they can fit everything from the manga into the final season it needs a good ending we've lost too many people
Anime Fan?
Anata no subete ga
Ashita o nakushite
Eien no naka o samayotte iru yo
Sayonara dekizu ni
Tachidomatta mama no
Boku to issho ni
I cried everytime I heard this song played
Fleur_capricieuse Yes I did , didn't finish it , it's pretty cool .
Crismonsurfer if you're still interested the second season will be out next year I'm so excited
Fleur_capricieuse Daaaaamn No Way !! I didn't know I thought we'd have to wait more , when will it be it exactly ?
I'm more old school with my anime. For me it's Star Blazers, Robotech, Claymore, Steamboy, Akira, Ghost in the Shell etc., I did enjoy Attack on Titan and Knights of Sedonia along with lots of Studio Gibli. From a writing perspective Spirited Away has some of the best writing I've seen.
I LOVE hunter x hunter. I have rewatching it for almost 15times. I do enjoy other animes too. But I love the old school animes such as fairytale, Sketdance, Naruto (not a fan of Baruto though), Spirit hunter, Inuyasha (I'm following the sequel Yashahimi too), ect.,
I watch a ton of anime, from mainstream to niche. And my writing reflects that. My stories are chock full of otaku references.
Crismonsurfer they said it should be out in January 2021 hopefully it won't be postponed....... the suspense is getting to me
Does anyone here know about saint seyiya?
LVTeacherman I have most of those on dvd and last year I got a Studio Ghibli Movie Collection, 6 dvds with 17 movies. It was only like $12, an amazing deal for especially if your a Studio Ghibli fan. You don't normally see people who enjoy or talk about anime from the 80s and 90s. One of the first anime I ever watched was Fist of the North Star on Showtime, that shit blew my mind. lol
Akabane When I was a kid I watched Star Blazers all the time. It's from the late 70's early 80's everything is done by hand. Just ignore season 3. Star Blazers and Robotech got me into anime. That and Vampire Hunter D. Can't leave him out.
Crismonsurfer Try ID:invaded maybe. Its really awesome and falls under mystery and thriller.
DriewNrocinu lol same here to. I honestly thought people weren't following it again.
DriewNrocinu lol same here to. I honestly thought people weren't following it again.
Fleur_capricieuse that was my very first anime. The soundtracks are awesome and there's no limit to the nostalgia. Sad about them never finishing "The Lost Canvas" though.
Jonkohrr yeah have you watched the 3d movie that came out? if you haven't you should it was amazing.
Fleur_capricieuse I'm not sure what's the order of the movies but I'm fairly certain I've seen all of them. I was quite thorough back in the day, lol.
one_chance Thanks
I'm also a huge fan of anime, and I'm here to make new friends. By the way, is there someone who has watched Attack on Titans 3? My favorite anime is Naruto and Attack on Titans.