Can anyone help me regarding this topic? Because my favorite novels became premium ones so i want to be a premium reader
How to become a Premium Member
MetaTronGT Buy Spirit Stone . You can buy it with PayPal or with Google pay
MetaTronGT there is no "premium"..just buy spiritstones and use them to unlock chapters
MetaTronGT there's "get free spirit stone" option on Profile. you can get some spirit stone there
Don't worship me, I'm just a legend :smirk:
Neverfire7 from what i saw on that link so that means Premium user only bought SS only to unlock and no other profit?
Elsalvadorz Indeed, however, you also get a badge... But yeah, that's literally all there is. Being a 'premium user' only means that you've bought SS, no matter how small, at least once. That title will stay with you, however.
Neverfire7 I see someone is having fun
Thanks for the info:)
Thanks a bunch of info
then may i ask you guys... how to make your novel premium?