winterdaisy55 We’ve already swapped reviews about 3 months ago. Only difference is I reupdated my story and changed my name, so I can understand the confusion :3

    Is there anyone who writes a cultivation novel? Hit me up and we'll do a swap review. I rather prefer to do a swap review with a book genre I love than forcing it.

    Most of the books I reviewed, all of them are very good and great, some can immerse myself completely, some are ok, but, well, I think it was because of my different preference that reading them doesn't 'fill the experience' or some sort, maybe.

      Hi, I will give a review to anyone who writes me a review on my book on Amazon (I used to write here). Unluckily for me, you can only add a review, if you have spent 50 dollars there. You don´t have to buy the book, you just click on add the review.
      Just write something positive. Like: I have loved it so much, the characters are great.... whatever.
      To make it even better I will be giving you 2 power stones for a week for a book you choose.
      Here is the link:

      If the link doesn´t work. Just search Survive among the Vikings on Amazon.
      I am doing this because some lady gave me one star (the only rating on the book right now), even though she didn´t read it. To destroy other books but hers I believe.
      Thanks to everyone willing to help

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