How long do you think it is going to stay this way
I Can't Read Anything
Same i can't read anything as well
Retired_Sleepy My best guess is at least an hour or two, depending on how big the problem is. But usually network errors don't take all that long to fix.
Are people of the mobile having the same problem I cant check it because I have no idea where my cellphone is
I am having same problem
same thing
I am having same problem
same thing
Retired_Sleepy Yes they are. I checked on my phone and the same problem persisted, just that it wasn't under the name "Error 404". That is how I know that that isn't the actual problem
[unknown] yes, apps are down too
Retired_Sleepy yes, apps are down too
Does anyone know a coordinator or something ..if u do ask them
At the begging I thought it was just a problem here in my contry or the internet, but its the site, my grammar my be bad at some words because english isnt my first language
Does anyone know a coordinator or something ..if u do ask them
Retired_Sleepy Dude don't worry about grammar, this isn't the moment for that
Spotbottom no I'm using the mobile site through the browser
WooingTheStars but it's been like many months that I have this problem.