The site is down again. I don't know about the app, but the site is down.

- Dec 15, 2020
- Joined Dec 4, 2020
- In Down Again
Retired_Sleepy Dude don't worry about grammar, this isn't the moment for that
FateTrickster Sorry for that
Retired_Sleepy Yes they are. I checked on my phone and the same problem persisted, just that it wasn't under the name "Error 404". That is how I know that that isn't the actual problem
Retired_Sleepy My best guess is at least an hour or two, depending on how big the problem is. But usually network errors don't take all that long to fix.
sanmartiniano007 La verdad que si,esperemos que no tarden mucho
CricketBooks I think it did happen once before, like... 2019
kainan_cassidy The problem is most likely on Webnovel's end of things
Spotbottom I also used the Android App, and the same thing happened. It's a problem on Webnovel's end.
Eduardo_de_Jesus Yep, that is exactly what is happening.
D_Pranada Yup, that same one.
It happened in around half an hour that I stopped reading to eat something. When I came back, I couldn't read anything because of an error. I tried with Fanfiction and Originals, but none worked. It just doesn't load the chapters. It happened in both my PC and my Phone.