Não consigo ler também não está carregando os capítulos tá dando que não existe
I Can't Read Anything
Não consigo ler também não está carregando os capítulos tá dando que não existe
Eduardo_de_Jesus Yep, that is exactly what is happening.
Im having the same problem.
I don't read anything is error 404
I am on the app, but just had issues too. I had to update the app... don't know if the issues are related since you're using the pc site.
Me to i cant read anything either it says its a connection error but my connection is stable and my internet is great
Spotbottom I also used the Android App, and the same thing happened. It's a problem on Webnovel's end.
kainan_cassidy The problem is most likely on Webnovel's end of things
They are trying to fix it from what they told mr
This has happened before...
J'ai le meme problème :)
CricketBooks I think it did happen once before, like... 2019
WooingTheStars yeah, 2018 but yeah. It'll be fixed
WooingTheStars it happened this year as well this is the 2nd time
WooingTheStars it happened this year as well this is the 2nd time
- Edited
There new bonus fast pass implemented yesterday and i cant use that. Maybe there a fix while server get checked.
Espero, que lo arreglen pronto.
sanmartiniano007 La verdad que si,esperemos que no tarden mucho
How long do you think it is going to stay this way