This is a question for avid action readers...

Do you prefer fast paced stories that are constant action, or do you like the author to focus on character interactions and development? Of course there needs to be a happy medium between the two, but if you had to choose a preference, which would it be?


    Character interaction and development. In my opinion, it’s just more interesting even in action stories. Stories can be successful without any action (depending on genre), but without strong character development and interactions your story is probably going to have to be short. No matter what the action is, it can only be repeated so many times before it’s stale without an interesting set of characters to drive it.


      Good to know! I always struggle with balancing action and development, and personally I prefer development with a fast paced storyline, but I wanted to see what others thought of it.


        I think you can’t go wrong with development, but you should write whatever you like. As the author you need to like your work more than you need a reader to like it.

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