I'm down! I'll read and post a review ASAP.
Here's mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17472138305049005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312841842
I'm down! I'll read and post a review ASAP.
Here's mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17472138305049005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312841842
I'm thinking about picking my old book up again since the genre is more to my liking. Anyone interested in a review swap?
I wouldn't mind a review swap!
Up for a review swap! I can read and critique a variety of genres, though I'm more well versed in action type plots.
My novel is right here:
What are some best ways to promote your novel and find more readers? My novel is a work in progress, but it would definitely help to find readers that can give feedback so I can improve my novel as I go.
Edit: Closed
Anyone up for a review swap? I have plenty of experience in literature critique and evaluation and I wouldn't mind reviewing more than one!
My story is here:
Good to know! I always struggle with balancing action and development, and personally I prefer development with a fast paced storyline, but I wanted to see what others thought of it.
I suppose I'll put this here— it has a more futuristic setting with an isekai plotline. Only eight chapters too if you're looking for a quick read.
This is a question for avid action readers...
Do you prefer fast paced stories that are constant action, or do you like the author to focus on character interactions and development? Of course there needs to be a happy medium between the two, but if you had to choose a preference, which would it be?
I'm not big on romance...but are there any good yuri/lesbian/wlw novels out there?
I like those two as well! Especially the first; I recently watched a film where the MC was incredibly smart and was consistent throughout the whole storyline. I don't think the genius trope gets as much appreciation as it should, and that goes for self sacrificing characters as well. I really enjoy reading characters who sacrifice themselves not only to save others, but because they feel as though they deserve to take the brunt of everything.
Ah, tsunderes! I like them a lot too.
Do you have any character tropes that are your guilty pleasure? Can be cliché or not! I like discussion characterization in both reading and writing.
Personally, I'm a sucker for bold and brash female characters— hero or villain. I always love to see/read and even write a classic tomboy whose main purpose isn't to be a love interest. Seeing spunky female characters be reduced to nothing but a love interest to the MC is awfully disheartening to me. I want to see a tomboy in her full glory, without the romance, who is ready to arm wrestle anyone at any point of time. I suppose the reason why I chose my MC to take on this trope is because I feel as though I don't see it enough. Though, there are a couple more common tropes I like too.
As a shameless weeb, it's my biggest dream to have a novel of mine get an anime adaptation. Although it's pretty much impossible for me (considering I'm a western writer with no formal education on writing a book), I've fantasized about one of my stories getting an anime more than once. I think I can envision my current story getting one, maybe two, fairly short seasons (20 episodes or less each). I'm personally not a fan of anime with a ton of episodes and prefer seasons that are short and sweet. Same with television shows and book series.
Excellent question! Definitely got me thinking.
Advice but make it useless
So, my novel has a female lead for a majority of the story, though it follows quite a few male supporting characters and has a predominantly male main cast. The only romance involved is between side characters, and even so, those scenes don't affect the main plot. When I had my story set as having a female lead, the genre changed from sci-fi to sci-fi romance. I currently have it set as male leading despite my MC being female. Should I change this setting, or is it okay to label the story as male leading?
Title: The Dreamscape: One
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17472138305049005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312841842
Genres: Sci-Fi, Action, Cyberpunk
Synopsis: In a faraway realm seperate from our own lies a plane of existence known as the Dreamscape, the very foundation in which dreams and nightmares have originated since the beginning of humanity. Created by the forgotten deity Morpheus, the god of dreams himself, the Dreamscape is home to an elite army of nightmare-fighting teens and young adults who call themselves the Oneiroi. Though these warriors come from all walks of life from different regions on Earth, each and every one of them share one thing in common: they were fated to die in order to serve as soldiers in another world. Now, the Oneiroi work closely together to keep nightmares from eating away dreamers' vulnerable minds when they sleep with the use of high tech and little bit ancient magic. However, the team of nightmare slayers soon find themselves facing an onslaught of nightmarish creatures determined to break the boundary between the Dreamscape and the real world. Worse, the god of nightmares and brother of Morpheus has reawakened...and he's out for more than just blood.