I am a newbie author and was currently writing two fanfictions, I also wanted to create my own novel but also wanted to earn something from it. I was planning on stacking few chapters before publishing it, and as what I've heard, the novel should have 50,000 word count overall as one of the conditions but my question is... How do you exactly request for a contract after you're done with the conditions?
I would greatly appreciate the answer guys, please enlighten me.
Does anyone know how to request for a contract in webnovel?
Aaliyah_Stark_ but is there a way to get a contract even though I haven't joined competitions?
- Edited
Participate in the WPC challenges. They are the best shot at getting a contract.
Thank you everyone, appreciate it.
The_Chimp Thank you so much man.
FanfictionLover Hope this helps you. Best of luck with your novel.