Okay, I'm just gonna leave a comment here so that I can come back at any given time. A nice, informative thread this is.

- Aug 14, 2022
- Joined Oct 8, 2018
Darth_Xiane Who? Me?
Really. It's so good. I hope WN actually takes this into consideration the next time they go for a change!
Yay, I won!
Littlepunnie Thank you!
Nekonigiri001 Thank you!
Oh, man! I actually won! That's seriously amazing!
- In WPC 147
147 and 148 had 500, 300 and 100 $ prize if I remember correctly.
Well... I'd really like it if you're willing to help on my novels... But, first it'd great if you check them out and see whether they suit your tastes... If one doesn't, you can always pick the other one..
https://m.webnovel.com/book/blue-moon-princess_18567333405158105Let me join in as well...
These are two of my creations!Rainbow turtle. He/she is a translator, not a writer, but the level of grammar was really top notch that ended up wanting to write smoothly like that. I even ended up taking BA English on college because of my passion to be like them. So, yea..
I have a lot more J-pop favs that Chinese or Japanese... But I still got one or two...
As of Chinese, the Scumbag System anime's OP theme song is fire!
And Korean... Lazenca, Save Us by N.E.X.T and DAY6- shoot me are my favoritesAs for me, I messed up my exams due to covid and I went through a very low point in life with people around me looking at me with pity and with them blaming me for messing up an opportunity to become an upstanding member of the society. That's when I started to pick up writing a tiny bit seriously. So, even though there's a chance that my book might/might not end up a failure/success, it's relieving me off my stress and off the people around me, so I'm fine with just that.
Littlepunnie Thank you for your review. You're one of the few that gave the novel such a detailed review, so I'm really happy...
There's mine! Merry Christmas!LemonWontLemonade Hmm, I've heard of people getting an offer from them, but the person who contacted me is different so I can't actually vouch for them. Contact the person on discord... Usually you get a faster reply there and if it's legit, they'll give you a google docs asking info about the book in wattpad and link and stuff. Then, they offer the contract and you decide if you wanna sign it. That's the procedure for it. As for the legitimacy, you get the contract invitation on inkstone, so if does come up there, you don't have to worry about it; the contract is legit. They don't ask extremely personal info before that, so don't worry about it, I guess?
It probably is. Who's the one who contacted you?
FanfictionLover Hope this helps you. Best of luck with your novel.