MikruZero Interested in a review swap? I would add your book to my library if you would add mine.
January 2021: Review Swap Here
Dara_Manuel Interested in a review swap? I would add your book to my library if you would add mine.
Shatayia_F Interested in a review swap? I would add your book to my library if you would add mine.
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shazueca Hi wanna review swap here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/demoniac_18870512506544005
Review swap anyone?
Here's mine
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Sorry, I fell asleep. Gonna read amd review both your books now
Hey! Here's my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/polarity_18684185205577005
I think we've @'d me about a review swap before but the first review swap I did the person never gave my novel a review so I was like uhhhh idk if this a good choice and didn't respond lol.
I've added your novel to my library, I'll leave a review asap!
Hey, I've got your novel in my library already, I'll get to yours soon!
The_Mad_Titan Sure
Here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/unflag-deity's-game_19143513405410505
There are not that many chapters out yet.
Springs_Halo Um I'll try it because I have time right now here's mine
https://www.webnovel.com/book/unflag-deity's-game_19143513405410505 Do tell what you think.
Try mine too. I'll leave a review after.
Mel_Aniv review is done, book is intriguing, your story background is nicely put together, nice work
Alom_10th Hi :) review swap? here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/happy-even-after_18911131605534505
Hi, I'm in for a review swap. This is the link to my novel, I'll really appreciate it if you can just add and if possible read it a little.
I'll review does who did for mine later, my phone's battery is almost dead
lala_sanara Sure I got time but I can only read one chapter like the other ones I have reviewed so my rating my be bad just because I haven't seen enough.
GREAT Oh no problem review whenever you can here's the link to mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/unflag-deity's-game_19143513405410505
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Jo_J review done, waiting for yours thanks .
Alom_10th sure np. I'll add yours now and read it.