February 2021: Review Swap Here
leeroycgna I'm actually pretty curious about your work. Would you review swap with me ? I won't have a powerstone until tomorrow, but can keep it for you.
Actually, my English is not good enough and this is the first time I have posted a job on this site so I need someone's opinion
On the other hand, I have free time, so if your story is short, not more than 40-60, I am the right person to exchange opinions
@lala_sanara Just reviewed your book. It looks really interesting.
I'd be glad if you can review mine.
Here's the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-veiled-worlds_17909989805504405
Hey The_divine_oracle. I forgot to reply yesterday. If you're still up to it I can review swap with you now. Cheers !
d_elfe Sure. I'd love to.
Here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-veiled-worlds_17909989805504405
Chanelle_Dulay Okay I'll read and give your book a review!
- Edited
Hello Mila_Alaia, I've taken a pass at your novel and have to admit that it was very good. I enjoyed myself !
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/stage-fright_19074257706310705
I hope you have fun as well and please don't hesitate to leave comments. I feed on comments :)
The_divine_oracle On it !
Brace for impact :p
The_divine_oracle Ok. So... It should have been me bracing for impact.
This is the best piece I've read on this website. And I've read a few. Amazing action, amazing immersion, I can still feel my heart beating from the battle.
https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-veiled-worlds_17909989805504405 -> I recommand, a lot, to anyone who like action and fantasy.
I almost feel ashamed to drop a sappy romance into your lap. Good luck :)
Jo_J sure, here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/our-happiness_18573780506351905
Hi i would like to review swap too. Here is the link to me novel.
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 08 to 28, Feb.)
- Title: BitLove
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Magical Realism
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105
Writing Prompts Contest # 160 (WPC # 160)
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 01 to 15, Feb.)
- Title: White Sea School (WSS)
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Fantasy
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/white-sea-school-(wss)_19228627805717105
Writing Formule Practice (WFP # 32)
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 08 to 28, Feb.)
- Title: BitLove
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Magical Realism
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105
Writing Prompts Contest # 160 (WPC # 160)
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 01 to 15, Feb.)
- Title: White Sea School (WSS)
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Fantasy
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/white-sea-school-(wss)_19228627805717105
Writing Formule Practice (WFP # 32)
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 08 to 28, Feb.)
- Title: BitLove
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Magical Realism
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105
Writing Prompts Contest # 160 (WPC # 160)
To send, votes or comments or reviews. (From 01 to 15, Feb.)
- Title: White Sea School (WSS)
- Author: GenX Conectados
- Genre: Fantasy
- Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/white-sea-school-(wss)_19228627805717105
Writing Formule Practice (WFP # 32)
Mel_Aniv Done voting your book
d_elfe Thanks for the review.
I just finished reviewing your book. I don't have much experience with romance, but I wrote my honest feelings.
Hope you like it.
Mel_Aniv Bro, i just send ps to your book. Thx.