Left you a review, I will update it when more chapters are released. Here is mine, please check it out
February 2021: Review Swap Here
Wolfgirl1215 Thanks, I'll get to yours after I'm done with other reviews.
Wolfgirl1215 completed your review.:)
Anyone who is down for review swaps my link to the book is here:
you've got to review first, and I'll do my best to review your book within 3 hours of you posting a review.
GreenSamurai Dropped a review. It's a good book so far.
ray_rusike I'll do a review.
- Edited
Review Swap! Can I join this? Please... I promise to give a review back.
This is my link. It's BL though. Those who hate BL can just disregard this.
ray_rusike dropped a review
Nilphy I'll review swap with you.
Sure thing!
Here is my link for you, I will add you to my collections and review as soon as I can
Thanks I'll go see your link now
goldenchild725 Thanks. Please give me your link to
ray_rusike If you don't mind BL can you review mine to?
I give a review with yours to.
Wolfgirl1215 Thanks. I'll do the same time.
Nilphy hehe hello thereee let's swap reviews? :D
me will read yours nowww <3
Here's mine hehe thank youuu! https://www.webnovel.com/book/earth's-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
goldenchild725 dropped a review back. Good book so far.
The_divine_oracle Yoan_Roturier Aaron_Blanton Xia_Xia89 I just gave you guys a review. Hope you spare mine soon _
phoenixhyperion Done with your review. I have to say, the way you introduced a different kind of fantasy element was amazing.