Anyone who likes romantic fiction?
Here is the link for my novel, Just Met You, a contemporary romance.
If you would like to swap reviews please reply.
February 2021: Review Swap Here
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Hi! I’m new author, let’s review swap with each other!
Review mine and I’ll review Yours! :)'s-demon_19250563006938205?utm_source=noahActivity
Drop your novel links so I can read yours! :D
_AiRen_ sorry. indeed i have been a bit busy of late. yes, i wil do the review now.
Hey buddy, I checked out your story and left a review. Are you a Tarantino fan by any chance? Loved the use of flashbacks to bring the reader up to speed after such an intense opening. Well played.
If you could check out my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
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Hey guys, I am a new author, writing my very first book.
Anyone interested in swapping reviews?
Put a link so that I can review your story.
87w aye fammm ive reviewed your story and left lots of commentss hehehe! hope it helps!
Here's my novel, thank you very muchh:'s-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
Easy_Tiger thanks for reviewing my novel! I’ll read yours too!
I never heard about Tarantino but if his novel is that good, I might check it out too!
mozza_mello I have only read a bit and loving the FL already :D time to read more!
mozza_mello done
BronzeColt done't-reach_19238900806897805
This is my novel please give it a try:)
Cheers buddy.
Btw haha I mean the movie director Tarantino. His earlier films are known for non-linear storytelling, jumping forwards and backwards in time.
Hey buddy,
I checked out your work and left a review. Love the setting. Seems like you've got a pretty epic story brewing.
If you could take a look at my work and leave a review, I would greatly appreciate it:
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You checked it?!!! Thank you:) and of course i will:)
I will leave a review after I read at least 10 chapters:)
Hi there buddy.
I took a look at your story so far and left my thoughts in a review. Going great. Very lively opening. Love the way you write action.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
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The_divine_oracle Heyyyaaaaa I like you book and already left some reviews and... okay i can't say much about it... my review says it all:) and also would you please check out my novel?'t-reach_19238900806897805
Hey man.
Just read the first five chapters. Amazing start. The way you created a compelling world with just a few paragraphs was extraordinary. The following scenes were also vivd and lifelike, making it easy for my imagination to run wild. The story has me hooked.
I left my thoughts in a review. Hope you like it.
Review swap? Mine was new!
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805
Review swap? Mine was new!
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805