something like this:
total valid read: 200
ch 1: 100 valid read, 50% valid reading ratio
ch 2: 60 valid read, 50% valid reading ratio
ch 3: 40 valid read, 40% valid reading ratio
(each day updated, has the statistic for the last 1 week or 1 month)
I just want to make sure people actually read my story instead of dropping it after chapter 1
it's meaningless if the statistic looks like this:
total valid read: 200
ch 1: 180 valid read, 50% valid reading ratio
ch 2: 15 valid read, 50% valid reading ratio
ch 3: 5 valid read, 40% valid reading ratio
both statistics have 200 valid reads, but the second one obviously means most people drop your story after chapter 1
maybe someone has talked about this before? if yes, it means many people actually need it
I hope someday this feature will be added, I need it