Katzenliebe Thank you so much for the review. Your words really help him a lot. I am still reading yours, by the way, I am really liking it.
March 2021: Review Swap Here
xiaohai_23 I'll swap reviews with you, here's my link
xiaohai_23 I'll swap reviews with you, here's my link
xiaohai_23 I'll swap reviews with you, here's my link
Kronos661 I'll drop an honest review for you, do the same for me please.
Kronos661 I'll drop an honest review for you, do the same for me please.
Anyone up for a review swap?!
Title: World X Unknown
Genre: Supernatural, monsters, horror, gore, romance, comedy
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19524398306685605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4305906086
Martin_T3 I can! But I might take a little time, as I have few more to give but if you don't mind you can give till then. Here's mine
Adwaid_Nambiar sure thing, I'll wait for your review!
- Edited
I'll do yours after I do Wolfgirl1215's.
Thanks a lot again, it really helped, I'll start fixing it (cos I was supposed to do chapter 20 and I'm done it so yay, four days of fixing stuff)
Anyone up for reviews?
Here's my link:
Hi everyone! Would love love love to do a review swap :) I'm just at work right now but I'll get to them ASAP
Hi everyone! Would love love love to do a review swap :) I'm just at work right now but I'll get to them ASAP
TailsOfHope Sure
Here's my link below:
TailsOfHope Sure, I'll wait for your review.
I'll get to it in maybe a day or two, or even tonight if I can. I'm kind of free tomorrow? (I have a class, but it's not really... that hard)
ESF All done, I'm really enjoying it so far. Nice work, my friend.