March 2021: Review Swap Here
Anyone up for a review swap?!
Title: World X Unknown
Genre: Supernatural, monsters, horror, gore, romance, comedy
Martin_T3 I can! But I might take a little time, as I have few more to give but if you don't mind you can give till then. Here's mine
Adwaid_Nambiar sure thing, I'll wait for your review!
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I'll do yours after I do Wolfgirl1215's.
Thanks a lot again, it really helped, I'll start fixing it (cos I was supposed to do chapter 20 and I'm done it so yay, four days of fixing stuff)
Anyone up for reviews?
Here's my link:'s-mysteries_18500920105921105
Hi everyone! Would love love love to do a review swap :) I'm just at work right now but I'll get to them ASAP's-end_19430145306445605
Hi everyone! Would love love love to do a review swap :) I'm just at work right now but I'll get to them ASAP's-end_19430145306445605
TailsOfHope Sure
Here's my link below:'s-mysteries_18500920105921105
TailsOfHope Sure, I'll wait for your review.
I'll get to it in maybe a day or two, or even tonight if I can. I'm kind of free tomorrow? (I have a class, but it's not really... that hard)
ESF All done, I'm really enjoying it so far. Nice work, my friend.
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goldenchild725 Done too! :)
TailsOfHope sure go right ahead, I'll try to read yours a bit later
Here's my link:
AmateurAuthor Review Swap?
CodeW Done
Martin_T3 I checked out yours, it is amazing Please update soon
here's my link
Adwaid_Nambiar done! expecting yours soon