Trial read novels
monday hoping to look at them over the week end
Finally they started to premium from chapter 5.
Bravo! Really!
My webnovel customer care is saying they have updated it......but it doesn't show up on my it updated or not?
rishit1 Nope. Not for me as well.
_Excalibur_ Me neither
Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information.........
I guess we'll just have to wait till Monday.
So, first they took away 20 chapters and lowered it to 40. They then said that any coins used on non picked trial reads will be returned every month. They did that for the first two months, now come month three and they still haven't given anyone their returns on non picked. So that's a complete lie. Nice. Now, they are simply taking days upon days to add them to trial read, while we are getting scammed on coins. I love this site tbh.
well theyre updating 5 chapters per day i think!-the-spell-is-in-english!_19523559406682705
nothinsnew these are MTL
I don't think this is the trial books, the translator is simple MTL which is different from the translators for the other trial books.
well Monday is "next week" i'd doubt they'll release trail books two times in a week!