i also face same problem.

- Oct 16, 2023
- Joined Dec 24, 2018
WTF Webnovel is upto now
It used to work properly before but now always reset ch to 1st ch
corruptus not reporting on form but to report directly to webnovel (not sure but app should have a report button ). AND I don't think they even read the posts
you can also mail them about this issuecorruptus if you are using app then you can try to reset it or sign in sign out
if nothing work you can report it to webnovel and also mail themWolfick yes copyright is complex, when a person owns an IP he/she only has the right to make it into profitable product for certain period of time
for ex. YouTube videos, youtubers copy idea and content but still it comes under fair use because they added some value to the product.
its a different story that how much new value needed to be added for it to come under fair use. (for reaction channels if a original video is of 5 min then it is generally expected that minimum 5-8 min of new content should be added )corruptus I think, you get reply notification as long as other person hit reply button to your comment,
not comment above/below your commentone more article here about fair use
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/07/what-really-does-and-doesnt-work-fair-use-dmcaDMCA fair use
It reference four factors to measure fair use. They are:the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
the nature of the copyrighted work;
the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
here is the link
https://www.dmca.com/faq/Fair-Use#:~:text=It%20allows%20the%20limited%20use,%2C%20research%2C%20teaching%20or%20scholarship.MatchaMilk no, can't find it on webnovel
WN is shit they dropped selected pilot read like it was nothing
Can anyone tell me name of the novel , where MC transmigrated to cultivation world and was a sect gate keeper for 50 years.
it was in pilot read and was selected for translation but was dropedI know that one but not remembering it's name
Random skill reward given
nothinsnew these are MTL
Lifestyle system: system for every day life,
Complete a task get land
Complete another task get house
Complete another task get powerto protect the house
_Excalibur_ how did you find these?
at what chapter you are facing this problem.
i just checked its working fine