I have started writing my first novel on we novel. And I need a free proofreader. How can I get one?
Please contact me
I need a free proofreader for my novel. How can I get one
Veronica8 I have already installed Grammarly but it's not much of a help. English is like my third language and im not that fluent in it. I need someone to read my novel and identify the mistakes which are ignored by the Grammarly app. What should I do?
exploringsoul Pay them
I haven't
MotivatedSloth I haven't started earning from my novel yet so I can't pay. I need a free proofreader for now
exploringsoul Then learn how to proof-read yourself? Find a friend to do it for you? If you expect someone to offer you service, then you need to be ready to pay for it. That's how it works.
exploringsoul I'm not the best at proof reading, but can give it a try. feel free to send me a email at rayannemorrison@gmail.com or my instagram @shadoweditz_for_books
exploringsoul Usually, we authors wait until one of our readers offer to proofread our chapters. It is rare, but they do exist. Those readers have sound grammar knowledge, and they love our story enough to think it would become a masterpiece with some polishing. So, they would be willing to work for free, as a passion.
There are also proofreaders who are new to the field and wish to build experience. They would be willing to work for free until they reach a point where they can charge money as professionals. There are many threads here regarding that. You can search and find them.
Miss_Pokerface thank you so much
Mind sharing one?
Hi there! If you don't mind and could spare some time, mind proofreading mine?
Miss_Pokerface already sent you an Email. Please if you mind mind, spare me some time too to proof read mine, please
Overlord_Venus if you don't mind, I'd love if you'd share some
sinisterSmile07 sure, send me a email at rayannemorrison@gmail.com or pm me on Instagram @shadoweditz_for_books
NikkyRay_998 alright