• Questions
  • Amount of premium chapters of the novels

Is there a max amount of premium chapters for the novels?
I thought we will get 1 premium chapter and 1 premium chapter turned free chapter daily but lately I haven't seen any free chapter even after waiting for days. Super gene had 60+ premium chapters in my library, others had around 50+ premium chapters.

Will the premium chapters turned to free chapters daily?

    1 premium chapter turns into a free one a day

    never turn into FB/Ggl Premium user, u will regret it
    never use your SS for premium or u will wait longer than what you think
    the premium chapter you paid will not turn into free until it times
    just say its chapter 300, where the free chapter is 200, but u already pay until chap 300 and stop using your SS for premium
    for example because the daily chapter is 1 ch/day, then you need to wait for 100 day until new REAL free chapter appear ch 301

      Elsalvadorz yeah I stopped buying chapters with SS when I discover that, there is no use on unlocking chapters if you are not adding up with free releases

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