I know I'm late in this thread, but I've only gained the courage to write anything in this forum recently.
Thanks for this thread! :hearts:
This is a subject I truly struggle with in my writing. My IRL culture treat sex as a taboo subject, and it's not easy for me to stop seeing it that way, although I want to, and I try...
I struggle a lot with point 3, I've pushed myself to write sex scenes before then kept deleted them. Luckily there's no chance for my family to read my work since none of them read English at this level.
I want to be able to write sex scene at the same level I write gory scenes. (Which I have no issues with, I write dark fantasy and there are plenty of those.) But I keep dancing around the subject, getting close to it, touching it, then end up running away again.
How do you get passed the embarrassment? This awkward feeling of "What will the reader think of me when they read this?" I know that sex is a part of life, but how do you stop treating it like a stigma?
I'm not expecting a magical answer that'll solve all of my problems with it, I'll work on it and get there eventually.
It's one of my major issues with writing, I don't want to self censor myself, I hate it. The more I write freely, the better I feel about my work.
Either way, again, thanks for this thread and the material, I found it extremely helpful! :heart: :thumbsup: