CodeyVanilla Let swap here is my novel
May 2021- Review Swap here!
CodeyVanilla Let swap here is my novel
26stars Oh, thank you~ I will review soon.
Samcrowned00 Oh I already did! :)
Anyone care for a review swap? Grim Reaper x Modern College Girl with lots of humor, hijinks, romance and zest!
Ascendant (Danse Macabre Book #1)
Samcrowned00 Oh I already did! :)
26stars Done~ It was a good read. Not much dialogue in the beginning, but I enjoyed the description and build of the world.
mrant12 Done as well~ Well written novel hon~ May you succeed in your writing! Love the concept!
Yulainei Interesting read. I kept expecting something to happen in the beginning, but story picks up later which is nice. Keep up the great work!
Checking yours out now
Can we swap?
Can we swap?
kpthe1 Sure.
It’s done already
kpthe1 please do mine.
Hello everyone, thanks for your support. I have reviewed everyone who has reviewed my story. Sorry it took me this long but I have been having some challenges with school, health as well as looking for a job. I have been taking time to re-edit my story and I thank Webnovel for the opportunity.
My story will be getting some chapters uploaded soon as it takes time to re-write and re-edit. Please be patient. Anyone who wants to review as well as comment is welcome too. Can't wait to read what you have to say about my story.