Google pays 390$ reliably. My last paycheck was $55000 working 10 hours out of consistently on the web. My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can't trust how direct it was once I attempted it out. This is my essential concern...:) For more info visit any tab on this site Thanks a lot GOOD LUCK......

    Wanna know is their any fixed amount we earn from royality contract? Or we'll just earn from gifts and coins.

      Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do..,......

        Hiya, newbie here. I have just wrote a book but I don't know how to give the link to my book in the shameless promotion column. Could any body help me out here?

          supremewillow If you are using mobile, press 'share' and select 'copy link'.
          If you are using pc, open the novel in webnovel and copy the 'url'.

          Uh, so in the montly promotions, i heard u can promote once a month, and someone asked a question in it, and I answered it, and not wanting to waste my opportunity to promote my book(its a one time thing, has a cooldown i think) i posted my book link with t, is that shameful?

            Uh, so in the montly promotions, i heard u can promote once a month, and someone asked a question in it, and I answered it, and not wanting to waste my opportunity to promote my book(its a one time thing, has a cooldown i think) i posted my book link with t, is that shameful?

              OldManMarcus since it was in the monthly promotion thread, it should be fine. There is also the review swap thread that you can post in, as well as requests from readers on the forum. For the forum requests, just make sure that your work fits their request, and check the date on the thread post. If it’s over a month old with no activity from the poster, you might get in trouble for shameless posting. At least that’s what I was told when I joined a year ago. I hope this helped and good luck with your writing

                Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do......

                  Fantastic work-from-home opportunity for everyone…Work for three to eight hours a day and start getting paid in the range of 13,000 to 19,000 dollars a month…Weekly payments…And best thing is..It’s so Easy…

                  follow details on this websit……..

                    Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do.........

                      N_Thea I can’t do the link thing, but if you go to the Writer’s Section, you’ll see two tabs at the top. One will say ‘Works’, the other will say ‘Discover’. Click on the ‘Discover’ one, and scroll down. You should see the link for it there, if the pilots are still going. Click on it to learn about the contest(rules, word could requirements, deadline dates, etc..).

                      All stories are vetted at 12,000 words published, and you need 100,000 words published to qualify for the awards. I believe the deadline for the word count is in 13-14 days from now(depending on time zone). If you don’t think that you can hit the required word count in time, there are also the current writing prompt contests listed with the Spirity Awards Contest.

                      Since you’re new, here are a few helpful tips:

                      •There is a helpful set of videos that the editors put together in the ‘Academy’ icon. I also suggest clicking on the Help Center at the bottom of your profile. Follow the ‘Writer’ prompts to learn about being a writer for Webnovel.

                      •Whether you are aiming for a contract or not, stockpile chapters before hitting the Publish button.

                      •Read the threads pinned to the top of the forum, and use the Self-Promotion and Review Swap threads once you have a few chapters published. I hope this was helpful dear.☮️❤️😁

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