June 2021- Review Swap here!
funicon for sure, here's the link to mine. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. https://www.webnovel.com/book/by-the-power-of-plot-armor!_20289318605872105
Yashima099 hi wanna do a review swap? Heres mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-death-skipped-a-soul-lifeless_19978747105177005
Ake_Eniola hi wanna do a review swap? Here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-death-skipped-a-soul-lifeless_19978747105177005
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's mine. I review yours when you review mine.
funicon I'm up
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/never-normal_20024857606712105
Hello! I'm interested in doing review swaps. I'll give you honest feedback as fast as I am able to. Please let me know if anyone's interested :)
Here's my link! Thank you so much!!!
She Who Reigns the Stars
star_dreamer done.
TheCabbageLu I gave you my review, mate! I hope you do mine~
Ake_Eniola My review of your book is done, and I liked your tags as well. I like your book cover, it's pretty~
Main_Island Done!
Waiting for yours!
lala_sanara yea, no worries. Just got done w/ my review on yours. Great job on that, keep it up!
TheCabbageLu alright! I'll read yours now.
Proteety_Promi I just finished reviewing yours. Great work on your novel by the way! I really, really enjoyed it. Will be waiting for yours hehe :)
Who's up for a review swap here?!
Send me your link
- Edited
Hey! I am done with reviewing your story.
Please take a look at mine as well!
I am interested in doing a review swap with you.
I will read your story and leave my honest review sometime in the next few hours.
Please do the same for my story.
Here's the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lovingly-together_20218358406350305