ReeceKerr Is it legit. Did you try it?
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Yashima099 I'd done yours.
lala_sanara please review mine, I will review yours.
MicahDarkFantasy I'm looking at it now. this is mine:!_20289318605872105
MicahDarkFantasy Ive got it done. Very nice. :)
VRW1 Done, I'm amazed how far you've already gone. I love the plot and how it's going but I suggest you do proofreading in your novel(if you have time). Kudos!
lala_sanara Yes, pls. do. I'd do an honest review, too.
Here's mine:
VRW1 sure! But I might give my review tomorrow if that's alright with you?
Here is my link:
- Edited
MissyRailae sure, but I might finish it tomorrow if it's alright? after I finish the other books in queue I need to review first.
Here is my link:
funicon for sure, here's the link to mine. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.!_20289318605872105
Yashima099 hi wanna do a review swap? Heres mine
Ake_Eniola hi wanna do a review swap? Here's mine
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's mine. I review yours when you review mine.
funicon I'm up
Here's mine:
Hello! I'm interested in doing review swaps. I'll give you honest feedback as fast as I am able to. Please let me know if anyone's interested :)
Here's my link! Thank you so much!!!
She Who Reigns the Stars
star_dreamer done.
TheCabbageLu I gave you my review, mate! I hope you do mine~