Geminel Yeah..., I'm almost gonna give my review until I saw the last chapter. Anyway, I'm still gonna keep your novel in my library and wait for it. πŸ™‚


    Hey! Hum... thanks for the review but you should ask me BEFORE actually doing it buddy. Because right now, it looks like you're forcing me to review your story. What you've just done is a bit rude. So please don't do that to others in the near future.
    Don't worry I'll still review yours anyway. But stop forcing reviews on others and actually wait for a reply before engaging in reviewing.

      Thanks. No worries. I can understand forgetting about reviews. Can't blame you for that. That's why I'm here to remind you :P

        Ooh, alright alright. I can't blame you at all then. Anyway, thanks for the review buddy.

          Hey, I read your story and left my review.

          You've done a great job. I felt so sad for the FL.

          How did you make this cover for your story, may I ask?

            J_Writing Hey mate, completed the review. Your book is blooming and I'm in love with it. Keep going! All the best!

              star_dreamer Hey, I'm done with your review and added your book to my library. Hope you do the same as well. Loved your story plotline. Waiting for more updates from you. Keep going!All the best!

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