I would love to review swap with you.
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Nightsummer20 I just added it in my collection, gonna review yours as soon as possible~
_Rain, Empzze, DaoistTaItLu done with your reviews~ sorry if it took a little longer..
star_dreamer I already gave your story my review :)
ANDYY_X Hey, would you pls post your book link here
Yoan_Roturier Heyy!! Sorry for the late review. I have done yours now!! It's a great book!
Hey! Hum... thanks for the review but you should ask me BEFORE actually doing it buddy. Because right now, it looks like you're forcing me to review your story. What you've just done is a bit rude. So please don't do that to others in the near future.
Don't worry I'll still review yours anyway. But stop forcing reviews on others and actually wait for a reply before engaging in reviewing.
- Edited
DaoistTaItLu ANDYY_X I have done yours too!
Thanks. No worries. I can understand forgetting about reviews. Can't blame you for that. That's why I'm here to remind you :P
Yoan_Roturier Hahah no no.. I didn't forget, just had a tiring day yesterday
star_dreamer Heyy!!! thanks! I will drop a review soon
Ooh, alright alright. I can't blame you at all then. Anyway, thanks for the review buddy.
OK, Thank you!
PGODofficial Sure . Just give me some time. I will do yours as soon as I finish the others
Hey, I read your story and left my review.
You've done a great job. I felt so sad for the FL.
How did you make this cover for your story, may I ask?
Yoan_Roturier Sure!
waurpel Yes, I got it.
Thank you very much for the nice review!
_Rain Thanks, will do it your's soon