Mediocre_author I'm still on your chapter 3 midway! I'll continue reading it again later. Your writing was superb... I envy you :3 I want to write like yours, do you have any open seminars hahaha.

    Nightsummer20 done, I added yours to my library its awesome and I even send you a balloon. Because it was amazing!

      Venusean done with you!

      Didn't expect it to be that good, I've added it in my collection. I'll be following your masterpiece in the future. Hah.. it's gives me new vocab.



        I must say I absolutely love your story!
        Actually I already had it in my library and try to keep up with it regularly. I like the way you slowly but properly show how the MC's and the Alessandro brother's bond deepens and grows stronger.

        I hope you check out my story and leave some advice for me so that I can write so well like you as well.

        Thank you!

          Ezckapel done with you!

          I say, hey! Why are all of you so good at making stories 🤧🥺.

          Hehe. I really enjoyed your novel. I have added it in my collection. I'll keep reading the following chapter when I'm freed up.

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