Ake_Eniola Okay, I'll review yours ASAP
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Venusean Aight! I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine! Will give my review tomorrow! It is running late right now.
Here is my book: https://www.webnovel.com/book/npc-code-red-riding-hood_19920709006994505
kuhaku_sora It's alright, have a good night and sleep well.
I will review yours ASAP!
Thank you!
VRW1 Yeah ! love horror ~Here's mine, I gotta do few reviews first I'll need a couple of hours
VRW1 Only one chapter ? I did it first, have a good day
Meg_Goodhope Done ! have a good day, you're doing a good job
Dazzling_Verdict Doing yours now! Check mine out as well!
Pages Apart
Ake_Eniola Done, keep it up
Proteety_Promi Yours is done too, have a good day !
Mayline_Carraro Do you want to swap reviews?
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/four-rules-to-live-a-long-life_20284595806006405
Thank you in advance!
Mediocre_author Do you want to swap reviews?
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/four-rules-to-live-a-long-life_20284595806006405
Thank you in advance!
anyone available for swap reviews
The link for my work is given below.
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/layla's-school-life-meeting-you-was-a-blessing_20192233205790805
Venusean Yeah, thanks a ton for our reviews! I'll check yours out right now!!!
Venusean I am delighted to have discovered such book, I'll follow it from now on, keep it up ! it has great potential !
Ake_Eniola I didn’t see yours but I already reviewed your work.
Ezckapel Hey. Wanna swap? Collections and review. Here’s my link. https://www.webnovel.com/book/fading-scars-scars-of-the-past._20066938906233605
I have a novel inspired from the game Diablo 2, Elder scrolls Skyrim, and Torchlight. It is transmigration by the way! You wanna review swap?
Grandmaster Of All Job Class
Looking to swap: https://www.webnovel.com/book/behind-the-wheel-of-an-isekai-driver_20348157106623905
Reply with yours and I'll review collect back!