- Edited
Yoan_Roturier Hey man, great book. I have done a review for it and added to my collection. Do you mind to do the same with mine?
Thank you for the time.
Yoan_Roturier Hey man, great book. I have done a review for it and added to my collection. Do you mind to do the same with mine?
Thank you for the time.
I have a horror novel out if anyone into horror. Review swap anyone?
links: http://wbnv.in/a/a6fybbi
Do these swap review works?
Depends on the person. I'll review yours if you'll review mine.
Yonko_master thanks for your review, just posted the review for your book
J_Writing Just added your book in library, will review it soon and thanks for your review
VRW1 I'll be happy to swap with you! You can find my story here:
Yonko_master I finished reviwing your story! Mind reviewing mine?
I would love to review swap with you.
Nightsummer20 I just added it in my collection, gonna review yours as soon as possible~
_Rain, Empzze, DaoistTaItLu done with your reviews~ sorry if it took a little longer..
star_dreamer I already gave your story my review :)
ANDYY_X Hey, would you pls post your book link here
Yoan_Roturier Heyy!! Sorry for the late review. I have done yours now!! It's a great book!
Hey! Hum... thanks for the review but you should ask me BEFORE actually doing it buddy. Because right now, it looks like you're forcing me to review your story. What you've just done is a bit rude. So please don't do that to others in the near future.
Don't worry I'll still review yours anyway. But stop forcing reviews on others and actually wait for a reply before engaging in reviewing.
DaoistTaItLu ANDYY_X I have done yours too!
Thanks. No worries. I can understand forgetting about reviews. Can't blame you for that. That's why I'm here to remind you :P
Yoan_Roturier Hahah no no.. I didn't forget, just had a tiring day yesterday