_Rain Hey, I am down for a review swap.
Here is the link to mine : https://www.webnovel.com/book/scar-it's-you_18678357606720305
_Rain Hey, I am down for a review swap.
Here is the link to mine : https://www.webnovel.com/book/scar-it's-you_18678357606720305
ujjwalanushka34 it's fine, mate! No worries~
Sorry! I don't think I'll be able to review yours anytime soon and I don't want you to waste your time, so you don't have to bother yourself with reviewing mine :((
modestbaddie Done with yours as well.
Shubhangi_Kene Saw yours. Link please.
links: http://wbnv.in/a/a6fybbi
Nanites, a nano robots created with a hitech engineering, this was the age of wars. When a majority of the world seek refuge from the engineers, when country sold their prides for science and science is Gods. The forbidden fruits of knowledge has been unleashed, where we studied human and their abilities and boosted it to the very efficiency it has to offers. The time is 200 years ago, the name of the era is "Nanowars".
"You will grow with the main character, a steampunk industrialist era, with modern technology cowboy meet alien style, it also includes full event story, cheat skills, pets, flying pets, unique pets, girls and boys in tight body suits, romance, drama and politics"
- author
Shubhangi_Kene Its in the name of REaper
modestbaddie Done! Don't forget to review mine! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-beloved-child-of-god_20223781405214105
ujjwalanushka34 Sure.. just give me some time. I still have to finish some reviews. I will drop a review as soon as I finish those.
This is mine:
Mikazuki_Sora Would you like to review swap with me? Here's my story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/hero's-genesis_20394993706065205
Dark_Scholars I'd love to review swap with you as well! Drop me a link to your book and I'm down!
Here's mine!
Have you had a chance to take a look at mine?
Egi_Dio Are you up for a review swap, mate?
vilagwrites Done!
-Would anyone like to swap reviews? I would. Here’s the link to The Lawes Girl.
KayLillyt_1 I'll swap reviews with you! Here's my novel!
KayLillyt_1 are you up for a review swap?
vilagwrites Thank you so much for your review! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!
modestbaddie Thank you for the link, I look forward to reading your review :)