5oysauce Oh! but I saw mine there O.o. Okay, mate! I will resend my review to the review section!

    5oysauce oh, the system told me that I have reached the novel review limit O.o. I'll use another account and post my review from there!

      Yeah, that is really weird. I still don't see it on my end, but that's alright. The system gets a little funky sometimes. I've been experiencing a lot of 404 on inkstone.
      Sorry about the trouble, and thank you for the reviews!
      And thanks a lot for the advice!

        Hello!! I think I have done all the reviews that I had agreed. If I missed out on anyone, please do let me know☺️

          SEP1A Thank you, I'll get on send one later on today, sorry for not seeing your messages until now!

          Sorry i been searching for one of novel that i take glipse on .. i can't seem to remember what the name .. but i remember the synopsis .... it about a girl that have been a mute cause by trauma until she met the men .. the girl though she only the bed warmer for the men .. and when she find out she pregnant with his child . She ran .. cause she think the man will get her to abort the baby .. the men have fiance and going to get marry .. please help me

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