kuhaku_sora I read your synopsis and I'll give it a try, sure! I'll get to it either later today or tomorrow!
July 2021- Review Swap here!
Samantha_R_Samuel Hey, sure! I'll get to it a bit later today or tomorrow!
Crisyah Hey, I have finished your review and added two power stones. Good luck with your novel in the future.
Samantha_R_Samuel Sorry for the late reply, but I did this review a while ago. I do not think we can swap review since you are probably having a hard time with... 200 other novels to review. You can forget my offer and concentrate much on your health. I will give you two power stones as a sign of dedication (when I will get them refilled which it will be in 21 hours from now)
Rosie_Millier Thank you for your review. I'm going to read yours and review.
RetricBlast I just reviewed yours! Hope you like it!
Samantha_R_Samuel Just reviewed yours! Hope you like it!
eshal_shahnawaz Review swap?
Cyclxne Sure here is my book. https://www.webnovel.com/book/ride-or-die-with-me_20492542306002705
What's your book name?
eshal_shahnawaz I'll work on yours right now, just got the notif. Sorry for the delay.
Rosie_Millier Done and dusted
Samantha_R_Samuel left you a review.
RetricBlast No problem.
Samantha_R_Samuel done Samantha
eshal_shahnawaz I finished my review.
Cyclxne up for a swap...? I'll leave my link in case :)