July 2021- Review Swap here!
eshal_shahnawaz Review swap?
Cyclxne Sure here is my book. https://www.webnovel.com/book/ride-or-die-with-me_20492542306002705
What's your book name?
eshal_shahnawaz I'll work on yours right now, just got the notif. Sorry for the delay.
Rosie_Millier Done and dusted
Samantha_R_Samuel left you a review.
RetricBlast No problem.
Samantha_R_Samuel done Samantha
eshal_shahnawaz I finished my review.
Cyclxne up for a swap...? I'll leave my link in case :)
Samantha_R_Samuel I have done yours! I'll be waiting for your review!
skquinn Sure, here's mine. https://www.webnovel.com/book/ascension-online_20079188906393105
Samantha_R_Samuel Alright, i will read and exchange review also collection your novel soon. Thank you
Itsuki_Suzuki just added your novel in my library... will review as soon as I finish reading some few chapters. I'll let you know if I'm done with the reveiw.
Samantha_R_Samuel Hi there! Just added your novel in my collection, and liked your tags as well. I'll review soon.