Qidian sent DMCA notice to Patreon for all WW translators
Whoops wasn't paying attention and tagged you for something else I guess.
Price is negotiable I guess, but when it's already cheaper than Patreon by a long shot. shrugs
It's probably much more expensive than the CN Qidian, but i'd wait for the stuff coming out in English to really judge that (no translator/editor cost to account for)
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Thormented Exactly, the game changer is original English writers.
What disappointed me most about WW is that they don't encourage or invite English writers or with their fanbase they could have topped this.
Since there is no payment like translators, it will be easier to deal with. I am not sure how they plan it though. Let's wait and see. If they groom a GOD lvl writer then webnovel.com wins.
KingBiBiK You better write something. <3
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CKtalon Eh well, my original point was that it's wrong to compare patreon to ss since they simply aren't the same thing. And i still do think they aren't the same and shouldn't be compared. But if we really need to compare, patreon is more open to everyone, while ss is more restrictive albeit with a much faster release rate in most cases. Which system is better? Well, that's hard to tell actually. That does heavily depend on the perspective of the one judging it. For the ones who could afford patreon for every novel they read, there isn't much difference in cost in general or maybe it's even cheaper, and they can also enjoy quite a fast release rate compared to before. So it certainly is a good thing if they could afford supporting every novel they were following. Even for the free readers, there isn't much difference since 1 chapter a day is quite a good release rate if we compare it to before. So overall it doesn't seem like the system has anything undesirable and is a plus overall. But, that is only if we don't account peoples feelings into the equation. People who couldn't afford patreon can't help but feel dejected no matter if they are actually getting a similar service to before. It doesn't matter if they are actually getting the same or in some cases more chapters per week than before even with the free releases, all people can see is that they have hundreds of chapters walled off and they can't access them since they are not so well off as others. Majority didn't really care about the people who support the translator having access to 5 - 10 chapters above them, but when it goes over hundreds, it does seem like a big wall they can't climb to most. So it does create a barrier between people who are well off and people who aren't, unlike patreon. In the end, i do think ss system isn't so bad, but there is always the chance that the site turns into complete paywall in the future, which is a very real possibility depending on how the ss system fare or what QI plans for the future. If it's more profitable than the current system, then it probably will happen. If that were to be the case, i can certainly afford a few novels, tho i would have to shrink my novel list quite a bit as 20 novels is a bit much to pay for with current prices...
Lonelytree I want to. But my OCD for perfection is so bad making me so hesitant to continue.
ALSO I need immediate gains and motivation. It takes me constant planning and about 5 hours for a chapter (too much time for someone who likes to visualize things than writing stuff down).
Also I have a procrastinator attitude. So deadline less work never gets anywhere lol.
When the competition is going on, I got a story plan but I opted out of doing it as since the world I has to build is enormous as a starter. I changed and started writing something else and I am procastinating now.
Here is the synopsis if you are interested
{Peaceful life.
Breaking free from the shackles that bound him for all these years, letting go of the relations he had, and running away from the responsibility that has become a burden to him, Boian does not have many expectations. Only to live peacefully.
He knew he cannot live like normal humans. Living to old age with a loving wife (thinking about this gives him chills) and giving birth to a bunch of children (damn that would kill him--too scary) is not possible for him anymore. He cannot live in isolation either due to food requirement and the deeply rooted ideology and training he received in food consumption (painful).
He knew his very own existence does not allow him to live peacefully, yet he tried. But everything changes when he met a strange girl in his peaceful way of living. A meeting that changes his expectations and pulls him back to the shackles, relation and responsibility he tried to escape from but this time with no chance of escape.
What a pleasant dream? Its funny a monster who should be crushing other's dreams started to dream about peaceful life.}
Adventure, Romance, Good vs Evil. Action
Only got 4 chap done so far. Wanna try?
Planning to restart now.
KingBiBiK I shall await it to get released.
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Lonelytree You don't have to wait for those 4 chaps. I can give you the doc link or rrl link.
btw tell me about the synopsis if you are free. Is it good enough?
The title is currently
"Nefarious Affairs"
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Lonelytree Haven't heard from you in like half a year :p I'm not active on the discord anymore ^.^
goujing Qidian doesn’t own all the rights, if it isn’t obvious by now. Fan-translators avoid Qidian novels like the plague because of all the bad publicity and broken deals. Most of WW’s translators are translating novels from other publishers which Qidian has no right to request a DMCA for since they don’t own the bloody novel
Lonelytree sorry to have to disagree with you. this has nothing to do with whether you enjoy your work with WI. i am neither alegal expert so ultimately court ( HONGKONG if i am correct and it is likely to follow international rather than chinese so called law system ). about "double hosting". in spirit is is dishonest , duplicious. let me give a simple example. i buy some thing ( chinese book here ) from you ( i am paying real money ). my plan is to add value ( translation ) and resell value added product to recover my original cost and make money ( the whole purpose ) from my efforts. you then turn around with this "double hosting" and take away part of my profits and try to justify it. this is in nutshell whole story. its your choice if you want to close your eyes.
about HJC i am ambivalent as WW's translation had really slowed. added to that QI was not stealing rather than creating its own translation. key to me here is translation has come to a halt more or less over at WW.if QI was an honest corporation they would have at the minimum offered to return , on prorated basis , the royalty they took from WW. i won't even comment on the garbage piece of announcement from the spokie here otherthan that s/he would make a agood spokeperson for politicians over here in the west. those press conferences are amazing marvel of double talk and intellectual excercise of how not to speak truth while proclaiming you only speak truth.
Posting it here shows how the people QI pays (translators and what not) fight for them vs those who don’t care vs those who support WW and hate QI
Oh boy... this is not new! They (QI) just go around acting like the International world is in their hands...
KingBiBiK A few months before the BTTH translation ended, GGP's patreon made ~$40.5k in that month. A few months after BTTH ended, he now makes less than $2k in a month. Judging from WQDK and BTTH Patreons, the average patron amount is around $50 a month from each patron. Before RXW announced plans to go in-house, he had about 2300 patrons.
KingBiBiK Sorry, I went to bed already lol. The synopsis is not bad, I quite like it.
BadMal Le sigh. As I've said in the post you reply to, everything hinges upon that contract that neither of us has seen the full picture of. If you wish to believe in the one-sided hearsay, then I really can't help you. I shall return the same advice you've given me, it's your choice if you want to close your eyes.
All this bickering eludes me. Qidian represents or owns author rights of novels they are sending dmca of. That means there is probably a loophole somewhere in contract if they have signed it. They are trying to make money by using the legal nitpicking as I hope they would do if I were the author and allow them to own or represents my international rights. I don't know which corner of the world you live in man, but money makes the world go round!
goujing money makes the world go round
Not quite, have you heard of gravity? Apparently, that's what makes the world go round, who knew?
DonaldTrump you're witty. nicely done