FatHitler try reading the book Never Over I think it's just pretty new but you can try it out
random novel
FatHitler try reading the book Never Over I think it's just pretty new but you can try it out
FatHitler Try my book 'The Master of Fate' or the 'Ancient God in the Modern World.'
You can check out my horror novel I wrote for the WSA
Please review my novel and I will do the same for you!
My book is Harry Potter: Back To The Future
Please review my novel and I will do the same for you!
My book is Harry Potter: Back To The Future
Scarlet5ky Go to review swap Thread not here. Original post says to recommend them a novel with the requirements. PLEASE READ THE FORUM GUIDELINES.
ngl- this makes me NOT want to read your novel even more
Scarlet5ky Your novel just have a chapter, once you add more, I will.
[unknown] Thanks! added second chapter and will more in a few days!
[unknown] ok cool. Still, it is a good novel! You don't wanna miss it!
MichelleLeeee ok cool. Still, it is a good novel! You don't wanna miss it!
perhaps you want a book with a different take on tradition. a dark themed novel, you can read
The sorcerer's king: ways of the witches.
if you like jojo and marvel then this book is perfect had over 130 chapter and 14 chapter weekly