Minapyon Suggestions:
1. Option to exclude certain tags or themes in our interests. This ensures I don't get annoying popups with stories I don't like every single time I log in.
2. Rankings based on genres (with option to exclude tags). So I can easily browse horror and fantasy stories that don't follow system or cultivation tropes.
3. More promotions for stories not with system tropes please.
To add to this, there's a reading site for published books (The StoryGraph) that uses this exact system. When you sign up, you pick your favorite genres / tags, as well as the ones that you never want to see. It has offered me the most accurate recommendations out of any other site I have ever used and it has led me to buying more new books than any other one trying to shove popular things I'm not interested in down my throat (looking at you, Amazon). It would also solve a problem for anyone wanting to read books in both Male and Female leading genres; they wouldn't have to keep switching it in their preferences.
Changing the search system to implement this would also be beneficial.
I've been talking to a lot of people outside of Webnovel while self-promoting and a lot of them have told me the same thing: that they stopped using the site because it only promotes things they're not interested in and the search system doesn't help in finding them, other. Having something like this in our account settings would help a lot with calling a wider public to the website and so would improving the search system.