ZeroX0666 done with yours. Please don't forget to leave a constructive review on mine. Also, bot that you need it but will share my constructive opinion once I received the review. Cheers! x

    Mayline_Carraro I'll do it as long as you don't mind giving a constructive review on mine (contemporary romance). I'll try my best to view it from a male's pov (assuming magic/fantasy is). Lemme know. Cheers! x

      Review swap anyone just read my book and review and I'll do the same

      Name of my book is- Team of exes and ohs

        @ZeroX0666 ZeroX0666
        Thanks for the review. Doubt you need my two-cent opinion since you're pretty good but it would not be fair if I leave you out.

        • well-written. Writing style immediately brought me to a drama where camera followed the mc.
        • description is beautifully done - not too short n not too elaborate. Enough to be able to visualise.
        • Reading flow is very smooth. Def would love to have talent like yours!
        • Not familiar with the concept but am i right to assume college is university...? (BSc, BA sorts?) Or is it not since she's a transfer student? Nothing wrong here. just curious if that's a thing in whatever part of the world you're in.


        Done reviewed your book. Will wait for your review before I share my opinion on yours.

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