Thanks for the review. As promised, here is my constructive opinion.

  • If you break the paragraph for dialogue, it would help in easing the reading flow.

  • Some words are input wrongly. e.g grasped instead of gasp. If you need help in minor grammar/spelling, try Grammarly. It's free!

  • Some of your repetitive sentences may be excessive that it might break reading flow. Tbh, I do the same mistake as it is quite addictive for my ear lol.

  • Your story is def a page turner for me eventho im not a fan of fantasy romance.
    Cheers! x

hansora Hansora

I doubt you need my constructive opinion considering you're pretty good. But to be fair, I'll share it since I did the same to the others.

  • Yours is well-written. One thing though, it's my first time seeing the term 'my old man' referred to a husband. Nothing wrong here. Just stating.

  • Ngl, i actually can see baby blues and baby pink in my head and "felt" cool breeze as i read all the four chapters you posted. The kinds i normally get when i feel utterly calm and that warm fuzzy feeling.
    Cheers! x

Sure, let's review swap!

    PerkyPompous_Pixie Good day. I've been scrolling through your tremendous historical of well-written critics. I'm quite amazed by the time you spend pulling out all of those good point and mistakes, and I'll be interested in your point of view for a swap.
    Alas, I am not able to propose you a contemporary romance genre, would you be interested in magic/fantasy instead?
    I won't bother you further if you're not interested, instead I'll just wish you a nice day.

      PerkyPompous_Pixie thank you so much! I just got back from work and will read your review properly πŸ™‚ please wait for my review too πŸ˜‰ ah, the term 'her old man' was just because they got to grow old together before she went back to her past

      ZeroX0666 done with yours. Please don't forget to leave a constructive review on mine. Also, bot that you need it but will share my constructive opinion once I received the review. Cheers! x

        Mayline_Carraro I'll do it as long as you don't mind giving a constructive review on mine (contemporary romance). I'll try my best to view it from a male's pov (assuming magic/fantasy is). Lemme know. Cheers! x

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