ChaosInvoker right, 90% of which being the exact same thing, its a useless explenation because you could've given me a honest review anyways, on top of that, i ain't your dad, you think i should be the one telling you about something you know you're doing it on purpose like that? Can you not see the difference between books? 😆

Also i've stated before that i've been busy which resulted in me being inactive here, that also isn't a strong take to use in this case. You're the one that copypasted it because you were lazy, you are in the wrong.

    f0011 Sleep deprivation and burnout do take their toll. If you say I copypasted because I was lazy, that could just as easily be said about you not checking back to see the previous posts here to see who responded to the review swap YOU asked for.

    So, sure, I made an honest mistake - my bad, I admit it. The question, of course, is whether it excuses that rudeness and arrogance on your part. Because even granting that I'm in the wrong for not checking which book I was (re)posting that review to, that doesn't give you a free pass for bad behavior.

    If I was in the wrong, then so are you.

      ChaosInvoker I don't know how you think i'm behaving in a bad way, even if i am, it's totally justificable. And i don't know if you can read but i said something about me being busy in real life and not having the chance to get on here, but that just does not seem to go through your bricky head.

      I personally am totally fine with admitting my mistakes, but this is genuinely all on you my dude, look at my history, you can clearly see i care about other people's opinions and actually was being active on this thread, that until lately. I'm not in the wrong at all. You were the one copy pasting the text, while somehow claiming it was my mistake by not telling you that it was a different book, like come on man, do better than that. I pointed your flaws out, i even stated days before and now that i was not able to properly give everyone a review, you are in the wrong, not me.

        ChaosInvoker Also your last take, i literally sent 2 seperate screenshots of the seperate books which you copypasted with, can you even read?

          JustGoDie13 All done - thanks for the laughs, boss.

          Did you take inspiration from Bruce Almighty and/or Oh God?

            Read my book that will become one of the best books in the world. And I guarantee that because I've built up this story, this world, and all the characters for 10 years while I was 12 years old, accumulating everything for this book.


            (Though I might be biting my own shoe here because only rich people can catch up to the latest chapter of this book, there are only few free chapters)

              GMSJakers Done, go have a look.

              Your output wouldn't be out of place as a teens show on Nickelodeon or Disney, and I mean that in an entirely sincere and complimentary way 😃

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