I promise to review yours when I'm done reading the first five chapters.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
- Edited
@Flattened_Rice_007 Hi! Would you like to review swap? If so, please reply with your link, I’ll get back to you within 15 hours.
Here’s my link:
@MayaKeiran done ChaseXavier_123 account name
MayaKeiran . I will review once away since I just closed from work.
Shy_girl08 MayaKeiran La_wyrd @Godofstories Elementary519 Main_Island Sweet_xiyue Shubhangi_Kene @Aur_Bee_4669
Hey. Is any of you interested in review swap? I need comments too so please comments while reading. I’ll do same.
If any of you do fake reviews then please ignore this.
Here is my link.
RomanceFanatic028 Sure I'll totally take a look, if you look at mine! Please make honest reviews and can you spread the word on my book? I will totally spread the word on yours!
Read about six pages as of now... And it was a really fun read. Thoroughly enjoyed Li Jie's character and the situations around him. I wish you released it. I had lots of moments where I wished I can comment... The dinner scene, his conversations with his father, the internal voice he kept having... it was really witty and innovative.
But look out for some grammar errors, though. Otherwise, it looks great for a yet-to-release novel.
MayaKeiran Yours is awesome. It is perfect for offline publishing as well. Please keep up the good work.
eudine Hey sure,
Here's my link -
Please ping once done.
Anyone interested in a review swap? I can give your book a powerstone also.
Here's my link : Book Title - Rebirth of Terra: Fourth's Crusade
Shy_girl08 Sure but can you read first? I want to know how many comments to leave.
NinaChroni okay, the name of the novel is Inter-dimensional portal. Thank you
All done on my end! I still want to again mention thinking about an auxiliary chapter to better detail your power levels and methods to gain more power within your novel. As sometimes when your explaining them some of the concepts and details get lost in your own writing.
Flattened_Rice_007 Done!
RomanceFanatic028 Yea sure, your story looks interesting. Better synopsis that my story XD
Hi, I want a swap for my book
The uncrowned king of Assassins" by Mi_22
Plz tag me .....I'll do your as soon as I get your review...Ill appreciate if you were interested in comments swap too