What are your feelings about people pointing out grammatical errors?
Should I point them out and make suggestions for correction in the paragraph comments or not?

    dreamver2 Replying to this so that it's easy to get to my above post... Would anyone else like to swap? (You can look at my synopsis/story/"rules" in the post I'm replying to.) 😄

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        Does anyone want to review swap?
        Novel - Life in a new world is easy or am I just a pro?

          Does anyone want to review swap?
          Novel - Life in a new world is easy or am I just a pro?

            Jo_J heyyy Jo_J done with the review
            added your novel to library as well
            (do mine soon) thanks


            done the review
            added your novel to library as well
            (do mine too -- don't forget to add my novel to library)

              Web Novel Novel Ask